dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that REAL "doubt" dreams linked to these feelings. Each quote summarizes the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Full dream analyses are featured in the links at the bottom of the page

- "I bumped into someone who I REALLY DO NOT LIKE yesterday. I really could not be around him because I really do not TRUST him." (she met someone who she really could not trust)

- "I now KNOW that my mother is cold and manipulative. I have NO DOUBT."

- "I am on holiday and have been thinking about a career move. I have been feeling undervalued at work but I have NO DOUBT that I was a change."

Doubts in dreams
- "Inability to trust someone"(Did you meet someone yesterday whom you distrust? Is there someone whom you really do not like being around? Is there someone you cannot make your mind up about?)
- "Unsure about your own abilities"(Have you been wondering if you could really do something?)
- "Unsure about someone"(Is someone difficult to read? Are you worried that someone may be offended by something?)
- "Feeling undervalued"(Do you feel that people are not recognising your abilities? Is someone taking you for granted?)

•Vampire and accused dream
•Fighting crabs dream
•Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
•Walked on water - dream interpretation
•A huge monster truck dream interpretation
•The way of the Lord dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com