dream analysis study

Elementary schools in dreams :

- "Fundemental error" Did you make a fundemental error yesterday? Have you been trying to encourage someone who is making simple mistakes?
- "Treated like a child" Are you frustrated because of your lack of power in some situation in your life? Are you been bossed about like a young child?
- "Vulnerable person" Are you getting help with very basic things? Do you suffer from phobias? Are you trying to give a help in hand to someone who is very vulnerable?
- "Good example" "inspired" Are you been helped out and encouraged by someone who is a good example? Are you trying to be a role model to someone who needs a friend?
- "Showing how something works" Are you trying to show something in a very simplified way? Are you trying to enlighten someone? Are you trying to help someone but you are frustrated? If so the dream is about you trying to teach something in a wider sense.
- "Tantrum" "Childish"Did someone behave like a spoilt young child yesterday? Did you lose your temper and make a fool of yourself yesterday?

•Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
•School dinners dream
•Monstrous old witch woman dream interpretation
•Coping with asthma dream
•Dream - skating down highway and primary school
•Dream symbols - mansion and Elizibethan ghosts

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com