dream analysis study

"embarrassed" in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream with "embarrassed" in it may simply translate into a phrase like "Feeling inadequate" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I am feeling really inadequate just recently. I just cannot do anything. It is embarrassing as I always seem so confident yet in reality I need help doing even simple things? " Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Once you can think of a quote like this you start to really touch on the heart of a dreams meaning.

Keywords linked to "embarrassment" in dreams
In practice "embarrassing" in dreams has several symbolic meanings. Here is the list at present. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "High standards" Did you feel ashamed yesterday because you did not do something quite right? Do you set yourself very high standards and get upset if you do not live up to them? Do you feel judged because you are not acting in the right way? Were you embarrassed at the way someone acted yesterday leaving you not wanting to see the person who acted badly?
- "behaving badly" Have you been behaving in a wild and out of control way? Have you come to a realisation that you are doing something wrong?
"Feeling inadequate" Are you in need of a lot of help but feel too embarrassed to ask? Are you feeling overwhelmed and just unable to react?
"Disgusted" Do you feel like you want to keep away from someone who has behaved in a way that you feel disgusted?
"Feeling awkward" Did you feel a little uneasy about doing something yesterday?
"Clash of cultures" Did you see someone who has a whole different outlook on the world? Has someone got totally different standards leading to a clash of cultures? Are you having to get used to a completely new way of living? Have you just met someone for the first time in a long time and feel embarrassed that they are doing so well and you are not?
"A need to lighten up" Do you take yourself too seriously and need to stop worrying about something which is not that embarrassing? Do you often feel self conscious for silly little reasons? Were you a little red faced yesterday?

Dreams are in the here and now which means that any analysis is made much more easier. Many people make the mistake of trying to link a dream to something in the long and distant past. So any analysis inevitably links a dream to something vague and deep in the past and too general to have any real meaning. In this case a dream where there is "embarrassed" can simply translate into a phrase like "Disgusted". Always try to translate a dreams meaning into a quote about something very specific in the here and now. For instance, in the case of the example just given the meaning could link to a thought like "I felt disgusted yesterday at the way my boyfriend acted. He just behaves in the way which offends everyone." Look for key emotions which are being repeated in your dream. So if you feel "embarrassed" in real life and in the dream and in reality then the dream will be about that subject even though it seems like there is no connection at all.

What immediately comes to mind will usually give you the answer to your dreams meaning. Dreams are in the here and now because they are part of the process whereby we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term into long term memory. Simply look for associations with the symbols in your dream and think of what comes into your mind. When you make a connection look for other associations which will help you understand how your mind stores intuitive thoughts.

•Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
•Ex boss dream
•Ballet school - dream analysis
•Tardis and time travel dream
•Dream - Businessmen
•Dream symbolism - intimidating man
•Public place full of happy women
•Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
•Chased by wolves dream
•Girl strips off - dream analysis
•Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
•Rats,worms,flies and maggots
•Naked dream and people laugh
•Party at my expense
•My boyfriend is cheating on me
•Needing help dream
•Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
•Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
•Dream with a cute guy
•Basic training - dream analysis
•Accusing woman dream
•Neglecting dream
•Embarrassed dream
•Cymbals dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com