Using psychology we find that "end of the world" dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I tend to be PESSIMISTIC and expect the worse but I have got to realise that I can choose to be optimistic"
- "I have been dogged by SERIOUS ILL HEALTH for sometime but yesterday I started to feel a little better."
- "Yesterday I felt extreme pain and the doctor said that there was NOTHING THAT COULD BE DONE about it. I am facing a LIFE OF MISERY."
The end of the world in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about the end of the world may simply mean that you are suffering extreme economic hardship. The world may seem relentlessly gloomy and you simply cannot see how things will get better. The end of the world captures your state of mind – you feel like it is the end of the world.
Full list of keywords which link to end of the world dreams
In practice the end of the world has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Tendency to be pessimistic" (Do you tend to look on the dark side - at the slightest opportunity do you think it could be the end of the world. An end of the world dream may simply mean that you are very gloomy right now. You always think you are bound to fail and that things will go wrong.)
- "Miserable existence" (Have you not got much to look forward too?)
- "A worst possible scenario" (Often the mind thinks through a worst possible scenario. You might think about what would happen if you did fail an exam! What would happen if you did leave someone? What would happen if my computer did break down? Often this links to you planning out what you could do - e.g. If your computer breaks down it would not be so bad if you backed up your vital information that you store on it)
- "Someone's true feelings" (If it were the end of the world people would tell other people exactly what they think of them. They would tell someone they really hated them or that they had secretly been in love with them. Are you holding back some emotion that you want someone to know. At heart you might to tell them exactly how you would feel. Do you wish that someone would be more emotional? Do you find someone's show of affection unconvincing)
- "Economic crash" (When the world seems in turmoil then we get really scared. Many people would have dreamt of the end of the world during times of economic hardship. It truly seems like then end of the world. There is nothing we can do - we are powerless to stop economic forces.)
- "Depression" (The end of the world is a very evocative phrase. We associate it with deep emotions. Actually an end of the world dream may just mean that you are depressed and extremely gloomy. If you are depressed it always seems like the end of the world)
- "Chronic illness" (If you have been diagnosed with arthritis or parkinson's disease then its easy to see how the end of the world could be a metaphor for how you feel. Things will never be the same again and from now on you will just suffer. So a very gloomy outlook about an illness could easily trigger an end of the world dream)
- "Everything you believed in has gone" (One dreamer had an end of the world dream just after he learned something which swept aside all his former beliefs.)
- "Wild behaviour" (What would you do if it was the end of the world? Has someone just behaved in a crazy way - the kind of way you would behave if it was the end of the world. Do you just want to go crazy and let loose? An end of the world dream may simply capture that wish to cut loose and go crazy)
- "Final wish" (Try to think what mood you were in yesterday. Were you thinking deeply about what you really want in life. The end of the world in a dream possibly just captures this type of thought - "I have been in a very dramatic and intense mood. I was thinking what I really want in life". In dreams we put ourselves in all sorts of scenarios – you may have just been in an end of the world scenario)
Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance if you have been very depressed recently then the end of the world dream links to that. Try to think exactly how it pinpoints your feelings. A dreams meaning will often be linked to some new thoughts and insights. So if you felt "I have got to stop being so gloomy" then its likely that this is what the dream means.
Dreams can represent very sophisticated thoughts. One dreamer in our database had an end of the world dream with her boyfriend. In it he was saying how he loved her but it was not in a very convincing way. In real life she was upset because sometimes he sent out some very mixed signals. He wasn't good at showing his affections. The end of the world dream was linked to her wish to know how he truly felt. In an end of the world situation he would be expected to be gushing with emotions telling her his undying affection for her. So the dream is about her intuition that he did not really love her. The dream probably captures this feeling exactly - "I know he tells me he loves me but I am not really convinced he means it".
End of the world - dream analysis
Baby growing after end of world dream
Dream analysis - end of the world
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at