dream analysis study

Everywhere in dreams: Dreams are symbolic versions of our own thoughts. The symbols used are linked to how our minds store conceptual thoughts and emotions. If analysed properly they will translate into a quote which captures a key feeling at the time of the dream. Since dreams are linked to the here and now then most dreams will translate into the types of thoughts we would tell a good friend or write down in a diary. For example a dream which has "everywhere" in it could translate into a word like "ADHD". Try to see if that word appears in your key feelings. For instance if you were thinking "My son has ADHD and he just finds trouble everywhere he goes." In that way the word "ADHD" is linked to someone who seems to get "everywhere".

Full list of keywords which link to "Everywhere" in dreams
- "Overwhelmed" Are the problems you face too much to deal with? Have you got to be on alert to danger? Do you or someone close to you find trouble everywhere? Is someone emotionally draining you?
- "Mental health problems" Are you trying to help someone with depression? Have you been depressed? Do you suffer from social phobias?
- "Dominated" Is someone continually interfering in your life? Are circumstances too much for you to deal with? - "ADHD" "young child" Do you suffer from hyperactivity? Do you know someone whose ADHD is getting out of hand?
- "In love" Are you filled with feelings of love? Can you not stop thinking about someone you are in love with?
- "Cannot stop thinking" Is something on your mind which you cannot stop thinking about? Can you not escape from a problem? Have you got financial problems which you cannot escape? Are you in a troubled relationship?
- "Criminals" Are you blighted by anti social behaviour? Do you live in a rough area which is never free of crime? Have you been annoyed by some dodgy people?
- "In transition" Have you been trying to change your life?
- "Huge task" Is something going to take a lot of effort? Have you been trying to concentrate on something which is going to take you ages to complete?
- "Humiliated" Did someone make fun of you yesterday?
- "Strong emotions" Can you sense some strong emotions in someone which need to be sorted out?
- "Health problems" Is some health problem starting to get on top of you?

Understanding dreams is not so difficult. Most dreams are linked to brain processes whereby we transfer thoughts from short term into long term memory. So dreams are very much linked to either the day before or our thoughts of the day to come. Most dreams link to conscious thoughts so simply write down your conscious feelings. Look to see how the key words and phrases appear in your thoughts. For instance the key word "love" could appear in a thought such as "I really am starting to fall in love with my friend. I want her to be my girlfriend". Quotes like these will capture some key new feeling. Your dream is merely a story which seems totally unrelated but which captures a key new thought.

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com