dream analysis study

Exams in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream with an "exam" in it may simply be the minds way of saying "testing times" and the dream could link to a thought such as "yesterday was very difficult - I think there are a lot of testing times ahead".

Full list of keywords and phrases which link to "exams" in dreams
- "Test your capabilities" Have you been testing yourself out in some way? Have you been pushing yourself so you know just what your capabilities are?
- "Testing times" Have you been stretching yourself recently? Have you been struggling to keep up with the workload which is getting too much for you? Do you need to focus more?
- "Developing your skills" Have you been learning something new just recently? If yes then the dream is about you concentrating your efforts on mastering a new skill.
- "Wanting to know the truth" Are you sure in your own mind about someone but just need to prove it?
- "Learning a harsh lesson" "Failing"(We often learn the hard way when we fail. Failure is linked to that back to school feeling and that you need to do better)
- "Not knowing what to do" (Occasionally we come across some situation where we do not know what to do. A test dream may show that you need to adapt and learn what to do in such an unfamiliar situation.)

Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include some of the words and phrases above. For instance if some thought which includes the key phrase "testing times" occurred the day before then we could say that the dreams meaning was something specific like "This new technique we are been told to use by our boss is not easy to understand. I think it is going to lead to some testing times ahead.". Try to think of quotes like this as dreams translate into real thoughts and emotions. The dream is simply linked to how the mind stores thoughts and feelings.

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com