Tweet Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that dreams which mention "explosive" link to these feelings (each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page).
- "I have been told that there is NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE about my health. Such BAD NEWS has come as a SHOCK to me."
- "I still hope that I can get back together with my wife. But just recently I have been in touch with an ex girlfriend. It is a VOLATILE SITUATION."
- "I have just left my job of five years. It is a MAJOR CHANGE."
- "I have caught out my husband lying. There is a very BAD VOLATILE ATMOSPHERE."
- "I was reading my bible and it has ended up with me DOUBTING MY FAITH. It has completely destroyed my beliefs."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of Concorde crashing."
- "I have been making an attempt to be nicer to people at work but it has caused some DIFFICULT SITUATIONS, especially with one lady who I later found out had cancer. She wanted to be left alone."
- "I have very bad FINANCIAL PROBLEMS. I fear that things will SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL."
- "I am in debt and fear eviction at any moment. Things will get MUCH WORSE."
- "I am interested in all martial arts and my personality craves fighting and confrontation."
- "There is a lot of DISRUPTION in my life at the moment. Things are happening all the time."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of the terror attack on the World Trade Centre."
- "My mother has RUINED Christmas again. It was supposed to be a wonderful happy family gathering but she SPOILED things as usual - it was a DISASTER ."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my unwanted sister in law coming back into our lives CAUSING PROBLEMS."
Explosive in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Bomb" dream may simply translate into the words "Breaking point" and the dream may link to tension at work which has left you at "Breaking point". The dream is expressing the same thought but just in the language of symbolism.
Full list of keywords
In practice explosives have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Look to see if any of these are relevant right now.
- "At breaking point" (Can you simply not take any more? Have you had constant pressure and now you are about to break? If so then the explosives is symbolic of this rage inside you. You maybe warning yourself that you cannot take it anymore and your about to "Explode".)
- "Temper" (We often use the term "An explosive temper" to describe someone's ability to explode in rage. That's a very good metaphor which applies equally in dreams.)
- "Provocative" (Who has been very provocative and nasty? Who can test anyone's patience? )
- "Prejudice" (Do you feel near breaking point because of prejudice against you? Are you likely to explode in rage? )
- "Health and safety fears" (Dreams can sometimes be about specific fears. Do you need to remind yourself about some flammable material in your house?)
- "Substantial opposition" (Has someone reacted badly to some plan or idea? Has there been an "Explosion" of opposition?)
- "A terrible argument" (Many dreams simply tell you about the day before - so if there was some argument then surely the dream is about that explosive situation.)
- "Explode an idea" (Are you trying to shoot down an idea?)
- "Something is lost or gone" (Have you just lost some relationship very quickly? Was something suddenly lost yesterday?)
- "Destructive" (Explosive dremas can tap into "Destructive people" and "Destructive forces". How would you use the word "Destructive" right now? Think of phrases like "She is so self destructive" or "This new system is causing so many problems. Its destructive and is causing friction." your dream maybe linking to conceptual feelings like these.)
Dream analysis - end of the world
Explosion dream
Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
Nightmare about my angry violent husband
Missile from outer space dream
Premonition dream of Concorde crashing
Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Run away after explosion - dream interpretation
Dream - Bomb goes off
War zone dream
Deep cut and bleeding dream
Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
Exploding buildings in Israel dream
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Car Explosion dream
Set fire to managers kitchen - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium
Low flying dream
Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at