dream analysis study

Factories in dreams : Were you thinking in a factory worker type way yesterday? Did you come across some people who reacted like a group of factory workers?

Factories in dreams
- "My workplace"(Were you thinking about your workplace yesterday? If so the factory may be a symbol for work.)
- "Making something quickly and efficiently"(Were you thinking how to do something quickly and efficiently yesterday? What method have you been trying to refine?)
- "Psychology"(The factory can be a symbol for how we create a thought - how we produce an idea. Its a very abstract meaning but sometimes dreams can step sideways and pick odd symbols)
- "Stereotypes about factory workers"(Did you meet some factory workers yesterday? Did you have an atmosphere which was like a factory yesterday?)

Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "Factories" in dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "Factories" translates into very real feelings.

- "My workplace"
- "Understand the mind and how it works"
- "Why do we think the way that we think"
- "The psychology of the brain"
- "Producing something quickly and consistently"

•Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
•Flying down river - dream interpretation
•Dream - girl dripping in blood
•Dream interpretation - homeless
•Dream symbolism - able to breathe underwater
•Murder a stranger dream
•Dream - prisoner killed by suffocation
•Dragon eggs dreams

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com