dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "fall" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)

- "I felt completely out of place and out of my depth talking to those people yesterday. I was very ANXIOUS." ("Falling" can symbolise an emotional fall. So it can be associated with failure or lack of confidence. You feel likeyou have been in a fall )

- "I have FALLEN OUT with her and now I feel very sad and lonely."

- "I have been WORRIED about losing my partner." (his emotions were in for a fall)

- "My sister has been GOING THROUGH A HARD TIME recently and I have been thinking of ways in which I could help her."

- "I am FEELING DISTURBED AND DEPRESSED and have been feeling SUICIDAL." ("Falling" can be associated with any emotional troubles and may even hint at psychiatric problems and feelings of suicide.)

- "I am UPSET because my friend is moving away." (again "falling dreams" represent upset emotions. The dream may seem totally unrelated to real life yet it is linked to how the mind uses symbols to store conceptual feelings. A "falling dream" is a metaphor for any "fall" in your emotions, relationships or financial income.)

- "I am expecting a BIG DROP IN INCOME and fear I will be thrown into poverty." (A falling dream then symbolize a "fall in income" and thoughts of emotional hardship)

- "I am DESPERATELY trying to help him but there is only so much I can do." (If a loved one is in difficulty the dream maybe a symbol for their life and emotional state. You have been thinking about them so you dream about them because your troubles are not as important. Not all dreams are about yourself because dreams represent your thoughts and you do not just think about yourself)

- "I was DUMPED by my ex boyfriend in a cold and clinical way."

- "I have been annoyed by the negative and annoying behaviour of my boyfriend.EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG"

- "My health has been DRAMATICALLY improved by having that tooth out."

- "I felt very NERVOUS and out of place yesterday. It was all TOO MUCH FOR ME."

- "My relationship has just ENDED."

- "I was REALLY WORRIED that it may affect me yesterday but thankfully it did not." (A falling dream may conversely hint at improved confidence as you have coped with a difficult situation. Look for hints in dreams symbols as they can have strange meanings.)

- "I am SCARED to set up in business as I FEAR FAILURE." ("falling dreams" can symbolizes moments when we are assessing how confident we are and how we are coping. A slow fall may suggest that you are coping well. Dreams can have deep meanings which are so obvious)

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of a real fall which my mother suffered. I knew this was going to happen and caught her."

- "I have been UPSET because of the lies I have caught my husband out." (A "fall" symbolizes an emotional "fall")

"Falling" in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream with "falling" in it may simply translate into a phrase like "conflict" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I am arguing a lot just recently. I am starting to have doubts about my relationship with my boyfriend". Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Once you can think of a quote like this you start to really touch on the heart of a dreams meaning.

Keywords linked to "falling" in dreams
In practice "falling" in dreams has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Change for the worse" (Have you had to cope with a major change for the worse? Has life taken a sudden change for the worse?)
- "Combative nature" (Do you have a crazy life with lots going on? Does your personality lead to lots of ups and downs?)
- "Conflict" (Do you have a relationship which has lots of problems recently? Have you been arguing a lot recently? Do you have many issues which are disrupting your relationship? Do you sense there will be trouble ahead?)
- "Vivid imagination" (Do you tend to be quite introverted living your life in your thoughts? Do you have wild fantasies which often result in strong emotions?)
- "Lots of problems" (Did you have a really bad day the day before the dream? Have you been having none stop problems? Have you been thinking about someone who is going through a bad time recently?)
- "Illness" (Can you not seem to shake off an illness? Have you been worried about someone who is increasingly frail and weak?)
- "failure" (Have things simply not worked out in the way you had hoped? Are you having to deal with the consequences of failure?)

Dreams are in the here and now which means that any analysis is made much more easier. Many people make the mistake of trying to link a dream to something in the long and distant past. So any analysis inevitably links a dream to something vague and deep in the past and too general to have any real meaning. In this case a dream where there is "falling" can simply translate into a phrase like "Failure". Always try to translate a dreams meaning into a quote about something very specific. For instance, in the case of the example just given the meaning could link to a thought like "I am having to accept I have failed. Things are simply not working out like I had hoped."

What immediately comes to mind will usually give you the answer to your dreams meaning. Dreams are in the here and now because they are part of the process whereby we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term into long term memory. Simply look for associations with the symbols in your dream and think of what comes into your mind. When you make a connection look for other associations which will help you understand how your mind stores intuitive thoughts.

•Dream symbolism - vets
•Tree falling - dream analysis
•Friends house reconstruction dream
•Losing teeth dream - dream analysis
•Huge waves drowning - dream analysis
•grabbing hold of a parachute
•Mathmatician dreams of calculations
•Snake bite on neck dream
•Dream about picking up half smoked cigarettes
•Ex boss dream
•Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
• Dream interpretation - jeep on highway
•Dream symbols - zombies chasing
•Witch pushed down cliff dream
•Top floor dream
•Teeth fall out dream
•Earthquake Dream
•Traverse a huge bridge with steep fall - dream analysis
•Psychic dream - mother spring cleaning
•Snow falling dream
•Husband cheating dream
•Skyscraper collapses dream
•Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
•Skyscraper - dream analysis
•A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
•Dream symbols - shark bite
•Son is drowning - dream interpretation
•Setting a wolf free - dream meaning
•Rescue baby and dog dream
•Dream symbolism - dark ravine
•Prospect Road - dream analysis
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Perfect smile - dream analysis
•Paris Hilton drunk dream
•Dream - steep steps
•Surviving fall - dream analysis
•Wild animals charging - dream analysis
•Crying out for help dream
•Dream symbols - guards guns and earthquake
•Grandmother falls - dream analysis
•Save and resuscitate - dream symbolism
•Dream interpretation - flat tyre
•Teeth falling out - dream analysis
•Fall off balcony - dream analysis
•A safe fall dream
• The 'psychic' dream of Sitting Bull of the Little Bighorn
•Kinky realtor dream
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Vampire, violent towards friends dream
•Man of my destiny - premonitions
•Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
•Protecting you
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Police clothes - dream interpretation
•Luxurious house dream
•Ocean, cliff, boat
•New York City dream
•Scream or help - dream analysis
•Naked dream and people laugh
•They really love each other - dream interpretation
•Uprooting whole tree - dream symbolism
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Grand Hotel in dilapidated state dream analysis
•Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
•Falling from great height dream
•Dream - the wilderness with evil women and prince
•Elated - dream analysis
•Crazy Horses dream about fighting the white men
•Dream - Bomb goes off
•Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Chased by a shark dream
•Dream - exploring building
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Dream about whale.
•Dream interpretation - hollow tree
•Fallen trees - dream analysis
•Evil spirit takes over my body dream
•Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
•Brother falling - dream symbolism
•Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
•Bury ex - dream interpretation
•Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
•Bleeding nightmare
•A baby dream and large building
•Horse dies dream
•First alien dream
•Mum and Dad dream
• Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
•Repressed memory
•Harry potter and devil dream
•Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
•Dream - casual clothes and party
•Lead army - dream analysis
• Dream chocolate ice cream and ants
•Angry dog dream
•Cymbals dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com