dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "fear" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)


- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my mothers DEATH."

- "I had sex with another man yesterday and this is SOMETHING NEW AND UNLIKE ANYTHING ELSE I HAVE EXPERIENCED."

- "I have been OVERWHELMED by what has been happening to me. I prayed for a long time last night."

- "I have NOT HAD THE COURAGE to overcome an OBSTACLE in my life."

- "I am really attracted to her but I am LACKING IN CONFIDENCE so DARE NOT approach her."

- "I am HEADING IN A NEW DIRECTION in my career which is a little FEARFUL. However I am confident and eager with this NEW CHALLENGE."

- "I was thinking a lot about my MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS whilst talking to my counsellor yesterday."

- "I am TRYING TO CONFRONT MY OWN INHIBITIONS. I have a new sense of bravado and courage and am very exicited by this new approach."

- "I am moving into a new shared home. This is a big CHANGE."

- "I CONFRONTED my husband about a lie I had caught him making."

- "I love my father but I hate the ARGUMENTS that we get into. I am too tired to cope with the fights."


- "My daughter was tickling my feet as I slept. I did not know what was going on."

- "I have been regretting how I treated my ex girlfriend during out break up. It could BACKFIRE on me behaving like that."

- "I am facing a works ASSESSMENT and am REALLY STARTING TO WORRY."

- "I am experiencing work DIFFICULTIES and if this continues I may look for a new career path."

- "I should not have visited my grandmother when I have just been ill with diarrhoea and it can be contagious. I should not have taken such a RISK as it could have ended up badly."

Research into fear in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "fear" dream may simply translate into the words "relationship problems" as fear is often associated with emotional issues. Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.

Key words linked to the symbolism of fear in dreams?
- "Blamed" (Has someone put you under suspicion about something you didn't do? Have you done something wrong which you worry may end up with you been blamed? Do you not like admitting to errors?)
- "Caught out" (Did you do something risky which may backfire on you? Were you abusive to someone who could retaliate?)
- "Relationship problems" (Has a relationship been stressful recently? Do you want to break up with someone yet you are finding it difficult? Have your emotions been stirred up recently?)
- "Phobia" (Do you constantly suffer from social phobias? Do you not like confrontation generally? Did you wake up full of courage wanting to confront your phobia? Have you just been talking to a counsellor stirring up your emotions? Do you suffer from insecurities and self esteem problems?)
- "A heavy workload" (Are you worried about being swamped at work? Are you unhappy at work?)
- "Neglecting responsibilities" (Are you neglecting things? Do you need to work harder and concentrate more?)
- "Risky situation" (Did nearly have an accident yesterday which could easily be repeated? Do you worry that you maybe falsely accused of something? Are you wanting to say something that will get you into trouble? Have you been breaking the law in some way leaving you feeling worried that you might get caught?)
- "I cannot stop thinking about it. It was terrible" (Did something really bad happen the day before the dream? Has someone just told you something you did not want to hear? Have you had a lot of stresses recently?)
- "Falsely accused" (Have you been blamed for something that you did not do? Has someone got it in for you?)
- "Dreading something" (Are you not looking forward to something? Have you got an interview which you are worrying about?)
- "Relationship problems" (Are you on the verge of breaking up with someone? Is a relationship constantly causing stress??)
- "Arguments" (Are you sick of someone arguing all the time? Do you fear getting caught in someone else's argument? Do you wish a relationship would be more relaxed rather than tense all the time?)
- "Illness" (Were you worried about your health the day before your dream? Have you been ill recently and you are not recovering as quick as you hoped? Have you been worried sick about a loved one's illness? Have you been neglecting yourself making your health worse? Was yesterday a particularly stressful day due to your illness? Have your home circumstances changed for the worse?)
- "Change for the worse" (Are you having to get used to change which you do not like?) Have you been lacking confidence in dealing with changes in your life?
- "Bad memories" (Can you not stop thinking about something? Do you get flashbacks about something disturbing? Have you got PTSD?)
- "Woken up by a noise" (Did something shock you into waking up whilst you were dreaming?)
- "Wanting more excitement in life" (Do you like to feel a bit of fear? Do you like to live in your imagination? Do you like something going on? Do you get bored easily and wish for something to happen?)
- "Premonition" (Did something scary happen on the day of the dream which makes you think it was a premonition?)

Dreams usually have their meaning in the here and now. It is true that dreams will often link to long term issues but you will find that their meanings are symbolic of recent personality issues. So finding out the meaning of a dream will often link to something very specific which is in the here and now. So working out the symbolism is made much easier because you will find a dreams meaning in a diary or in the thoughts which you tell a best friend. You can often translate a dreams meaning into a quote which captures a very specific thought. For instance fear dreams can be triggered by phobias and a dream will link to a thought like "my phobias are getting worse. I am really dreading going to a family gathering tomorrow." So you can work out how a dream will link to something very specific in the here and now. Dreams are linked to recent feelings because they are connected to the mind transferring thoughts from short term into long term memory. Dreams are often short plays which capture key thoughts which capture a similar emotion to real life. The story in the dream may seem unrelated to real life but it is just a symbolic version of a real life thought.

•Crashing down a huge hill dream
•Dream - Jung's premonition of his mothers death
•Dangerous sexual attraction - dream analysis
•Tornado funnel - dream analysis
•Snake chasing me dream
•Skyscraper collapses dream
•Dream about a swaying skyscraper
•Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
•A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
•Scared of tornado - dream analysis
• Dream - pet stag
•Nightmare about my angry violent husband
• Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
•Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
•Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
•Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
•Police Station dream
•Dream interpretation - difficult climb
•Dream about getting the blame.
•Towering building
•Dream symbolism - picture
•Death comes to kill me dream
•Pack of dogs dream
•Ocean, cliff, boat
•Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation about lions and wild animals
•Spider poses no threat dream
•Dream symbols - executed in hospital
•Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
•Shark dream
•Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
•Executed in back of head dream
•Endless marching dream
•Fear of crossing - premonitions
•Dream symbolism - Christmas
•An older man is preparing to leave in sports car - dream analysis
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Guidance of angel
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Putting on rings and God!
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•Low flying dream
•Learning from others
•Torture/running/trapped dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com