Frantic in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that frantic behaviour captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now. If you can make an association with something then this will help you see what has triggered your dream.
Keywords connected to "frantic" dreams
- "Feeling unwell"(Do you feel unwell and not ready for the day ahead? )
- "Premonition of something bad"(Do you feel as if the dream was a premonition of something bad which happened on the day of the dream? )
- "Feeling desperate"(Do you often desperately search out the best way to do something? Are you a very thorough type person? Are things not going well at the moment? Are you not coping well with something?)
- "Worrying"(Do you often worry too much? Do you often get worked up thinking about how something could go wrong? Do you often get emotionally worked up? Are you feeling overwhelmed about something?)
- "Paranoia"(Do you suffer from paranoia? Are you a very nervous person? Did you behave in a similar frantic way the day before?)
- "A person who is difficult to deal with"(Do you find it difficult to get along with someone and things always end up badly?)
- "ADHD"(Do you suffer from ADHD? Are you caring for someone who cannot settle down?)
Dreams link to our brain processes as we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term memory banks into long term memory banks. Read through the list of key words and phrases above and if one of them seems to link to a thought at the moment then your dream will probably linked to that feeling. For instance if you had been thinking about something "desperate" in your life then the dreams meaning will probably link to that exact thought. Most dreams translate into a quote which captures the sort of feeling or thought that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. The dream is merely the minds way of storing that thought or feeling in the form of a story or symbols.
A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
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Tornado Dream
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at