Frozen in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that freezing or frozen captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now. If you can make an association with something then this will help you see what has triggered your dream.
Keywords connected to "frozen" dreams
- "Facing an unpleasant reality"(Is the truth about a situation facing you? Did you have a reality check the day before the dream? Has the seriousness of a situation hit you? )
- "This is really serious"(Have you been thinking about something which is really major and will change your life for the worst?)
- "Premonition"(Do you think your dream could have been a premonition of something serious? Think especially of the day after the dream as premonitions tend to link to the here and now and often come true very quickly?)
Keywords connected to something is you being "frozen" dreams
- "Mental health issues"(Have you been trying to combat some mental health issues? Do you suffer from depression? Do you freeze when talking to people due to nervousness? Your dream could link to an inability to behave in the way you would want? Have you been thinking about someone who is unable to act and seems "frozen".)
Keywords connected to something is "frozen" dreams
- "Its finally over!"(Has something bad finally ended? Can someone no longer affect you for the worst? )
- "Feeling powerless"(Were you feeling totally powerless regards something the night before the dream? Do you simply not know what to do? )
Dreams link to our brain processes as we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term memory banks into long term memory banks. Read through the list of key words and phrases above and if one of them seems to link to a thought at the moment then your dream will probably linked to that feeling. For instance if you had been thinking about something major in your life then the dreams meaning will probably link to that exact thought. Most dreams translate into a quote which captures the sort of feeling or thought that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. The dream is merely the minds way of storing that thought or feeling in the form of a story or symbols.
Dream - Jung's premonition of his mothers death
Orb of light - dream analysis
Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Frozen shark dream
Party at my expense
Dream - exploring building
Low flying dream
Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at