dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "gangster" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings

- "I am getting very depressed and PARANOID. I just CANNOT TRUST ANYONE any more."

- "They all have their own GROUPS OF FRIENDS. If I become friendly with one then other groups EXCLUDE me. They are very CLICKY."

- "Those builders have been a nightmare. They have ROBBED ME. Their work is not up to scratch yet they have taken my money."

- "I have tried being friends but they just will not ACCEPT ME AS ONE OF THEIR OWN. I feel EXCLUDED."

- "I feel like the whole world is against me. I have an evil view of the world and believe that people GANG UP on me. That BAD THINGS HAPPEN and there is nothing you can do about it."

- "I was watching a TV reality program last night where the contestants formed GROUPS and had BITTER RIVALRIES. Then the GROUPS CHANGED and they developed new rivalries. They SWITCHED THEIR ALLEGIANCES."

- "I have just returned to my home country and it has a very conservative culture. I feel GANGED UP AGAINST. They PUSH YOU AROUND AND PRESSURISE you into doing what they want you to do."

- "I visited my old workplace but did not get the warm reception I wanted. I guess I am just not part of the inner circle anymore. I am just not one of the GANG anymore."

- "I live in a very MALE ORIENTED WORLD which has a very MACHO CULTURE."

dreams capture emotions and feelings which are associated with a particular symbol. We associate gangsters with feelings like "I really cannot trust anyone." if the theme of inability to trust came up the day before then your dream is almost certainly about that.
Gangster in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a gangster dream may simply capture your feeling that "We are bitter rivals but we must still respect each other" and so the gangster may translate into the words "Bitter rivals" as gangsters expresses that feeling of bitter rivalry. In practice gangsters could translate into many words such as - "Ruthless", "Bitter rivalry", "Paranoia","Inability to trust anyone". the full list of these keywords is discussed below.

Key words linked to gangsters? : If you have had a gangster dream then we can gues that you have been using certain words and phrases to describe your thoughts. These words and phrases are directly linked to the symbolic meaning of gangsters in dreams.
- "Paranoia" (A gangster in your dream could just be your minds way of saying you are becoming paranoid. Gangsters cannot trust each other and they can be a symbol for anyone who is becoming paranoid. A gangsters mind may become twisted paranoid if he feels he may at any time lose his life or be betrayed. So the lifestyle of a gangster is just a metaphor for day to day paranoia where you cannot trust the people around you)
- "Ruthless" (Any ruthless behaviour could be symbolised by a gangster - its like saying he is as evil and ruthless as a gangster)
- "Inability to trust anyone" (Gangsters cannot trust each other so a gangster could portray any situation where you feel no one is to be trusted.)
- "Bitter rivalry" (We often use the term a cut throat environment to describe a highly competitive industry or workplace. What cut throat environment has been on your mind? In what ways has competition got out of hand?)
dreams can hint at certain themes have featured in your mind. Gangster dreams can be linked to situations involving bitter rivalry. Your dream could capture any thought which links to that theme. It might mean that you hate the "Bitter rivalry" at work. But it may alternatively mean that last night you were thinking you are thinking that a bitter rivalry has strengthened you as a person. Try to see how the theme of rivalry has featured in your real life.
Now try to see how words in this list feature in your thoughts. Think of the things that you write down in a diary or tell a friend. Its likely that dreams translate into conscious thoughts that you are all too aware of - nowadays not many people believe in the unconscious mind. If any of the thoughts that you have seem to feature words on the list then its likely that the dream could link to that thought - it may even portray that exact thought process. So if you have been feeling that "I am getting very paranoid recently" then the gangster world is an excellent metaphor for that inability to trust anyone. Look for further clues to the dreams meaning.

Dreams can portray very sophisticated thoughts. Take the following dream - "I was a gangster and having in a gangster type way. I was killing people but somehow someone was teaching me the right way to do things. I would usually just dump the body so it would never be found. But I was leaving the body so it could be found so the widow could bury the body with dignity". In real life the dreamer had been struck by a tv reality program the night before. He was shocked by how ruthless the competition had become (That already a strong link to gangsters as they also behave ruthlessly). The contestants were doing anything to beat their rivals. But the twist came as teams were then changed. Each team was picked and the last person not to be chosen was eliminated. One person had gone too far and ended up being eliminated. The tv reality show seems just harmless and not really something that should trouble the dreamer. But we define who we are by the way we think. The show had made him think about the right way to act and the need not to go too far. So really the dream captures these exact feelings - "That tv show shocked me! I have never seen such ruthless double crossing. I know its a highly competitive situation but you should still have standards. You should give respect to the people you are competing against".

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com