Garbage in dreams: Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that garbage in practice captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.
Full list of keywords connected to garbage dreams
- "White trash" (A dream of a trash can may simply mean that someone thinks you are white trash. Dreams will often use metaphors which are not so obvious. Yet research has shown that a garbage dream may occur after you have been experiencing feelings such as "They think I am white trash", "I worry that I behaved in a tacky white trash way" or "I don't like john as he is so white trash")
- "A lack of cleanliness" (Dirt and garbage in your dream may be a symbol for issues involving cleanliness e.g. "I was ashamed of how untidy my house was" or "I need to tidy up tomorrow")
- "Improve your health" (Have you been suffering from ill health? If so then your dream maybe using rubbish as a symbol for your poor health e.g. "I feel rubbish." the dream may seem unrelated but dreams often use symbols in none obvious ways like this)
- "Totally unwanted"
- "Not good enough" (Rubbish in your dream may suggest that you have an inferiority complex. Maybe the day before you did not feel good enough for is someone.)
- "Other peoples problems" (If your dream is using rubbish as a metaphor for "Other peoples problems" then you may have been having feelings such as "I hate being dragged into other peoples problems" or "I don't want to involve my son in all these problems I have been having")
- "Unwanted bad feelings" (Were you upset last night? If so then your rubbish dream may simply be a metaphor for unwanted bad feelings. Its simply your minds way of saying "I feel rubbish")
- "A waste of time" (Your dream maybe using rubbish as a metaphor for "A waste of time" and this may show you have been thinking related thoughts such as "I am not looking forward to tomorrow - its a waste of time" or "He was just talking endlessly yesterday wasting everyone's time." can you think of an everyday thought along these lines?)
Dream symbolism - police search
Head in hands - dream interpretation
Degas dream
Family cut up by killers dream
Dream symbols - email from sister
Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
Murder a stranger dream
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
A body in hot water dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at