dream analysis study

If you have positive feelings towards gay people then the symbolic meaning maybe different from that of a homophobic person.
Gays in dreams: Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that gays in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Gay dreams - keywords
In practice "Gays" in dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Marginalised/isolated" (Do you feel excluded and marginalised?)
- "Prejudice/persecuted" (Were you persecuted yesterday? Have you been facing prejudice? Were you thinking about prejudice or persecution yesterday?)
- "Flamboyant/outrageous" (Did you meet someone who was very outrageous yesterday? Outrageous and flamboyant behaviour is often associated with gay people.)
- "Thinking about gay people yesterday" (Were you thinking about gay people yesterday? If so then the dream maybe very literal and simply relates to some of those thoughts.)
- "Sharing secrets with someone of same sex" (One dream about a man kissing a man followed on from the previous evening when the dreamer talked with a friend who told him every last detail of his personal life. So homosexuality in the dream was linked to sharing intimate details of your life.)
- "Someone you would never fancy" (Quite often "Homosexuals" appear in dreams if you have been thinking about someone from the opposite sex who you could never go out with. Maybe they have been attracted to you but you would never go out with them even if they were the last man or woman on earth. This meaning could also apply if you have a close friend who is of the opposite sex. Homosexual links to the fact that you will not have sex with them since you are more like brother and sister)
- "Wondering if someone is gay?" (Often we wonder if someone is gay? We may have clues but its often a question which may offend someone if you were to just come out and ask it. So if you were wondering if someone is gay then the dream could simply link to that. The dream may link to some thoughts about them and their sexuality such as "He seems very homophobic but I have heard people say he is gay. I wonder if he is very homophobic because this is something he is ashamed of")
- "Not fitting into society" (Did you feel excluded from society yesterday? Do you simply not fit in to mainstream society? If so then the dream may link to your inability to fit into mainstream society.)
- "Alternative culture" (Did you meet someone who is part of an alternative culture yesterday? To have a homosexual in a dream may simply be your minds way of saying "I met a hippie yesterday". In this way homosexuals can be linked to all sorts of alternative cultures such as hippies, punks and psychics)

•Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Remote control - dream interpretation
•Dream with a cute guy
•A dream with deceased family members

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com