Using psychology we find that "grab" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "My ex boyfriend wants to get back together but I do not want to. I didn't say anything because I didn't want a CONFRONTATION."
- "I agreed to keep in touch with my sister but I really do NOT WANT TO because she can be quite manipulative."
- "My brother in law is in the last stages of cancer. We are EXPECTING THE WORST."
- "I had sex for the first time the night before this dream. I was very NERVOUS."
- "I feel insecure and NERVOUS about the future. I am going through a lot of changes."
- "I was worried about my gran because there was a big storm where she lives. It was a bit of an EMERGENCY."
- "I have just moved back to my home country. I don't like it because it has a very conservative culture which PRESSURISING you into doing things you do not want to do."
- "I have been having lots of ARGUMENTS with my boyfriend. It is very TENSE AND CONFRONTATIONAL."
- "A girl I know keeps on giving signals that she is attracted. I am a bit nervous but I DEFINITELY WANT HER."
- "I feel safe with my boyfriend. He would protect me IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY."
- "I do not believe my ex boyfriend who says he got together with his new girlfriend after he split up with me. He is very INSISTENT and its a DIFFICULT AND TENSE SITUATION anyway."
- "I have just found out that a man I was in love has had sex with men. It was SHOCKING."
- "I am worried about my grandmother who has not got long to live. We are just UNABLE TO PREVENT it and we are POWERLESS TO STOP the worst."
- "I had a talk with my sister and she has an UNWANTED guest who just will not go."
- "I hated being at that wake because virtually everyone there had drink or drug problems. I just wanted to GET AWAY and PROTECT my son from these bad influences."
- "I have been trying to be nice to people at work but one woman DID NOT WANT it. I later found out she had cancer so did not want anyone around."
- "My boyfriends family are CRAZY AND DETERMINED to make him into a famous pop star. They just WANT THEIR OWN WAY."
- "I have been worried about a new job I am taking, being a bondsman will involve lots of DIFFICULT SITUATIONS with people who are DETERMINED TO RESIST."
- "I was thinking about an amusement park visit before I went to sleep. It is very DANGEROUS AND EXCITING."
- "I stayed at my friends house and I was nervous about going to the toilet because she can be a bit funny. I woke up with a strong URGE TO GO TO THE TOILET."
- "I had a long talk with my girlfriend about my BAD BEHAVIOUR drinking too much."
- "I used to enjoy work but now I find it STRESSFUL. Yesterday was particularly bad."
- "I was seeing how far I could PUSH my boss. But he fired someone so I decided to get back to working hard."
- "My son has moved back home but I will be INSISTENT in setting down some rules. I will be STRICT in ENFORCING some house rules."
- "I was watching coverage of Hurricane Katrina yesterday. It was a real EMERGENCY CRISIS."
- "I had just had A CRISIS when I miscarried."
- "I WANT my ex back so much. I will get back in touch with him."
Grabbing in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Grabbing" dream may translate into a word such as "Determined". In that way your dream picks out one features of grabbing - people who grab can be very determined. Think of some way in which the word "Determined" would apply to the previous day and you might start to understand the dream.
Keywords linked to grabbing dreams
Here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to grabbing dreams. Try to think which of these are relevant in your life right now. If you can think of anything then your dream may simply tap into that theme within your life at the moment.
- "Insistent" (People who grab can be very worked up and insistent. Your dream maybe recording the fact that someone was "Insistent" yesterday. Maybe you are wondering how to combat that insistence? Maybe it was you who was insistent?)
- "Determined" (Grabbing could often reveal someones determination. Maybe you have just noted someone's strong feelings and and realise that you need to combat this determination? Maybe you were determined yourself or you realise that you need to be more determined?)
- "A fear something bad could happen" (Grabbing in real life will be linked to certain types of behaviour. People who grab will often do so because they are dealing with a certain type of situation or they are in a particular frame of mind. Grabbing hints at nervousness and may simply be your minds way of saying "I am very nervous about this and fear something bad could happen". So if you did feel tension and feared things going wrong then the root cause of the grabbing in the dream maybe those nerves. So we could deduce from that that someone has been "Feeling tense because they fears things may go badly wrong". They maybe recognising that tension and trying to control it)
- "Forthright" (With certain actions we reveal our emotions. A person who grabs can reveal there determination and forthright attitude towards something)
- "Trying hard" (Grabbing can be your minds way of saying "I have been trying really hard". That's because grabbing hints at your willingness to do as much as possible)
- "Worried about someone" (At the heart of any grabbing dream maybe your anxiety about someone. Certain actions in dreams give away certain emotions. Grabbing maybe your minds way of expressing that anxiety and worry)
- "Abusive behaviour" (Grabbing someone is one step short of forcing them. This can hint at someone's abusive tendencies)
- "An emergency" (A grabbing dream maybe your minds way of saying "It was an emergency and I needed to act. I simply did what was needed to be done")
- "Irresponsible, reckless and immature behaviour" (A dream of grabbing does not usually mean that you saw someone grab something the day before. Actually the grabbing reveals that persons state of mind - a person who grabs is the type of person who is behaving recklessly and immaturely. Your dream maybe records this type of feeling - "He simply did what he did without thinking.")
- "Prevent bad behaviour" (Did the person grabbing seem to be trying to stop you or others? If so then the dream may link to your wish to prevent something. If you were trying to prevent bad behaviour then it may relate to that)
- "Getting your own way" (In dreams we think about peoples body language and try to sense their state of mind. If someone grabs in a dream it may hint at their selfishness and wish to get their own way. If you can think of any type of situation which relates to this type of feeling then its possible that your dream was about that.)
- "Selfishness" (Grabbing can hint that someone is trying to get their own way and is trying to force their wishes upon others.)
- "General tension" (Grabbing in a dream may just be your minds way of saying "There is a lot of tension". This maybe linked to your need to defuse the situation.)
- "Escape" (Grabbing maybe your minds way of saying "He tried to talk to me but I managed to get away from him")
- "A need to act immediately" (Have you started to realise that something needs doing immediately? Has action been forced upon you? Grabbing may hint at this need to act immediately)
- "An urge to do something" (If you have an urge to do something then you simply will not wait you will grab. A grabbing dream may simply be caused by these urges inside you which you are finding difficult to control)
- "Aggressive and dangerous situation" (Grabbing can often hint at heightened tension and an aggressive situation. If a situation is worrying you because of the underlying tension and volatility then its likely that this symbolic meaning applies. The grabbing expresses that underlying tension)
- "Uncaring" (We can deduce certain things from a dream. If someone is trying to explain something then it could capture the feeling "He really cares and was trying to show what he did was for the best" whilst a grabbing dream may hint at someone's lack of care. If someone grabs they do not care about your feelings they simply wish to impose something on you. So we can guess that a grabbing dream links to someone's lack of care and insistence on getting what they want. Many dreams explore real life situations and try to read peoples behaviour and motives. )
- "Sulking" (Are you feeling undervalued and exploited? Are you upset that you are not getting your own way? A grabbing dream may express that sulkiness.)
- "A difficult relationship" (Is a relationship causing constant tension?)
- "Intense desire" (A dream about grabbing may suggest that you have sensed someone's desire for something. If you really want something then you grab it for all you are worth)
- "Pressurising" (Grabbing can hint at someone's aggressiveness and show that you feel very pressured. If you are doing the grabbing it may reveal show that you are putting pressure on someone else.)
- "Wish to resist" (Grabbing can be linked to any heated situation and maybe your minds way of describing your own wish to resist. It could capture this type of feeling - "I grabbed him and told him he would not be doing what he did again")
- "Impatience" (Our actions link to our body language. If you grab it may suggest that you are becoming too impatient)
It is a fallacy that dreams link to unconscious feelings. Most dreams capture thoughts that you are all too aware of. Most dreams would translate into the types of thoughts on the tip of your tongue, the types of things that you would write in a diary or tell a best friend. These thoughts would pinpoint your key feeling about some important situation happening right now or some thought about life in general. For instance a dream where a guy at work grabs the dreamer represented his sexual harassment of her. By grabbing her he is pushing his sexual feelings onto her. Grabbing was symbolic of his lack of respect for her sexually. People who grab do not respect peoples personal space. So really in grabbing her in the dream this just translates into this exact feeling - "He does not respect me and is constantly sexually harassing me".
By analysing the dream symbols and looking for ways in which the dream mind represents these thoughts you can show how dreams represent very sophisticated thoughts and feelings. Take the following dream - "I was a little girl trying to grab a sword to fight a monster". In real life the dreamer was annoyed by her boyfriend who was auditioning for american idol. His ego was completely out of control and his family were indulging his every wish treating him like a king. The dream merely plays out this situation but in the form of symbols. The little girl represents the dreamer who feels like a little girl who is powerless to stop things. Grabbing the sword represents her wish to resist his out of control ego. The monster is a symbol of this ego out of control. We know what is happening in the dreamers mind and so we can guess at what the dream minds and how each symbol is linked to reality.
Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
Snake threatening me dream
Feeding birds dream analysis
Baby girl dream
Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Superman swimming underwater - dream interpretation
Dog looks adoringly - dream analysis
Dream symbols - Raped by guys
Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
Grabbing snakes - dream analysis
Gang raping my daughter
Mom grabs snake - dream interpretation
A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Vampire dream
Vampire, violent towards friends dream
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Rat And Dragon dream
They really love each other - dream interpretation
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Dream - daughter causing me grief
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
Werewolf Love Story dream
Chased by a shark dream
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
Bedsit dream
A baby dream and large building
Horse dies dream
Huge thrashing shark dream
Dragon eggs dreams
Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation
A body in hot water dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at