dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "Grandfathers" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream. Links to full analyses of "Granddad" dreams feature at the bottom of the page.

- "I have a big decision to make but I want to TAKE MY TIME. There is no need to be hasty."

- "I have recently moved out of state and I am WORRIED ABOUT MY FAMILY."

- "I have been supported by her and she obviously cares. It is a good NON THREATENING RELATIONSHIP."

- "I was thinking about my GRANDFATHER because his wife has just died. I feel guilty because I have been thinking about her will"

- "I have just left my job. I have been there for a LONG TIME."

- "I have been moved to a care home and I am pleased that it has got a HOMELY ATMOSPHERE." (Grandfather are homely and friendly)

- "My Grandfather has really impressed me. He has just made a beautiful jewellery box" (a literal dream)

- "I have been worried about my health. I am FEELING OLD."

- "I have been worried about this bird flu and I fear for my Grandfather." (old people are vulnerable to illness)

Grandfather in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that grandfathers in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Grandfather dreams
- "Feeling old and tired" (Old people are more prone to ill health - they discuss with each other all their ailments. They often complain of being tired. A grandfather dream will often occur when you feel old and tired. )
- "Experienced" (Dreams do not use words they use images to express ideas. So an old person is an abstract way of referring to "Experience". The chinese and eastern cultures often link age with wisdom. So if you have a grandfather dream it may refer to any issue involving wisdom - or indeed a lack of wisdom (As someone who has been stupid needs to learn how to be wiser. )
- "Time passing" (The mind is very strange and the dream mind especially so. An old person dream may be the minds way of expressing "Time passing". Think of any way in which the "Passage of time" has been crucial or central to some thought e.g. "I think it's time to forgive" or "It's been a long time - may be I should try again".)
- "Too long" (Did something take an eternity to get done yesterday? )
- "Taking your time" (We can often be sarcastic and say things like "I'll be a pensioner by the time he gets that bathroom door fixed." dreams can depict such thoughts as this in a similar way. Just meditate on the phrase "Taking your time". Clearly grandfathers and old people in dreams can link to such a theme so simply ask yourself where that appears in your thoughts. If you can think of nothing then may be the "Grandfather" has a different symbolic meaning. Have thought processes like "I should take my time making that decision" or "There is no rush" been central in your thinking? If so then this issue is may be depicted in this abstract way.)

•Dream - in bed sleeping and talking to granddad
•Tornado Dream
•Grandfather's plea - dream analysis
•Ghost of dead grandmother dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
•Dream about buying alcohol.
•Grandfather skip - dream dictionary
•Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
•Meeting grandfather - dream dictionary
•Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Intruder in house - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - hug framed picture
•A feeling of belonging - dream interpretation
•Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
•Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
•At my Granddads allotment dream
•Grandfather dies - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com