Using psychology we find that "grow" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "I am beginning to get very close to her. She is ENCOURAGING ME AND HELPING."
- "I am INCREASINGLY curious because I can hear some noises while I sleep."
- "My mother is GETTING WORSE because she is moving to Japan and has not even told me. I found out from someone else."
- "I am becoming INCREASINGLY UNCOMFORTABLE as I desperately want to go to the toilet as I sleep, but I am staying at my friends, who is a bit fussy about toilets."
- "I don't want to ENCOURAGE her and just hope she will get bored and leave me alone."
- "I am becoming INCREASINGLY fed up at work. Now I have decided to just please myself and don't care about the consequences."
- "I am becoming INCREASINGLY UNHAPPY in my marriage"
- "I have decided to end a relationship before it becomes TOO MUCH OF A PROBLEM with my husband."
Research into feelings of growing in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "growing" dream can translate into the words "encourage" or "discourage". That is because the the word "encourage" can symbolise something which is growing for the good.
Key words linked to the symbolism of growing in dreams?
- "More difficult than expected" (Was a task more difficult than you first thought? Did you have a busy day yesterday?)
- "Encourage something" (Do you really like doing something which you would like to encourage more of? Do you like the company of someone and hope for more? Did you notice how your health was improving yesterday?)
- "discourage something" (Is there something you have noticed is growing but you wish it did not? Are you wanting to end a relationship which seems to cause nothing but stress? Does someone keep causing arguments more frequently?)
- "It's very different" (Did you visit somewhere which is very different?)
- "My health is worsening" (Have you noticed how your health is worsening? Have you got a degenerative disease?)
A loving mother - dream analysis
Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
Tornado warning dream
Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
Remote control - dream interpretation
Big dolphin dream
Evil spirit takes over my body dream
Poison a Rottweiler dog
Not heard properly - dream analysis
Demand expenses - dream interpretation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at