Using psychology we find that "guilt" dreams link to the following real feelings> Each quote symbolises the thought or feeling which triggered the dream. Full dream anlayses appear at the bottom of this page.
- "I was feeling GUILTY about hating my ex boss. In real life I had not seen his car in the carpark so I wondered if he had lost his job."
- "I am WORRIED that I might have another miscarriage if I have sex."
- "I am FEELING GUILTY because my father said I should have made more of myself. I have always been a disappointment to him. I have a lot of ability but have never made use of it"
- "I am wondering if I OVERREACTED calling the police about a man who was harassing me."
- "I am wondering what to say to a guy I am interested in. Should I talk about sex or is that A STEP TOO FAR."
- "I heard my neighbour screaming with pain but I did nothing. I FELT REALLY GUILTY."
- "Just recently I have been dating a married man - something which WENT AGAINST MY PERSONAL BELIEFS."
- "I know I am BEHAVING IN A CRAZY way. I am out of control. I know I am IN THE WRONG."
- "I have a rather crazy boyfriend and I wonder if I AM DOING THE RIGHT THING dating him."
Guilt in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Guilt" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I know I am going out with a much younger girlfriend. I am not doing anything wrong but I know some people disapprove of that". In that way the dream captures the feeling that others feel the dreamer is doing wrong.
Guilt dreams - keywords
In practice guilt have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Need to be more responsible" (Have you realised that you have gone off the rails? Should you know better? If so you are starting to realise your mistakes)
- "Realising how bad you have behaved" (Have you only just realised how badly you have been behaving. A guilt dream will represent this sudden moment of realisation as you feel ashamed of yourself)
- "Try harder" (Do you realise that you need to try harder? Do you know you could do a lot more? )
- "In the wrong" (Do you know you have made a mistake? Do others think you are doing something wrong?)
- "Worried about how someone thinks" (Are you doing something which others may clearly think is wrong? For instance have you shocked other people or offended someone you love? You know how they think and that they will clearly think you are in the wrong!)
- "Overreact" (Do you think someone has overreacted? Do they think you are in the wrong yet you cannot see what the fuss is?)
- "Need to spend more time with someone" (Do you feel guilty because you know you should make more time for someone?)
- "Hypocritical" (In what ways have you been hypocritical?)
- "Wasting your abilities" (Have you got reason to feel guilty? Have you clearly wasted your talents and need to put more effort in? If so you maybe realising your own error.)
Ex boss dream
Mutant - dream analysis
Eerie feeling - dream analysis
Dolphin dream
Foreigners think I am a criminal dream
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Eating cake dream analysis
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
Mum and Dad dream
Don't judge a book by its cover - dream interpretation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at