dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "gun" dreams link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizes the emotions or thoughts which triggered the dream. Full analyses of each dream appear at the bottom of the page

- "I was talking with my ex and he hinted at getting back together. I did not want to reply because it might cause a CONFRONTATION." (a gun being symbol for any confrontation)

- "My boyfriend wants us to live together but I am scared because we are both immature and would end up ARGUING." (arguments at their worst involve guns)

- "I started an ARGUMENT with someone who I dislike. I wanted to wind her up but I ended up thinking about her all day."

- "I think people DISLIKE me intensely. I try to get along but some like me and some don't." (we point guns at people we dislike)

- "Life is just ONE PROBLEM AFTER ANOTHER. I cannot take any more."

- "I caught my boyfriend out lying and he still denied it. It was very CONFRONTATIONAL." (if you have been involved in any confrontational it can trigger a gun dream)

- "The night before I had an ARGUMENT with my boyfriend."

- "My friend has become very politically conscious. He is quite CONFRONTATIONAL AND DIRECT."(a gun can be a symbol, for any direct and confrontational act)

- "My boyfriend is drinking too much and acting CRAZY." (a gun being a symbol for any crazy action which is way over the top)

- "I CONFRONTED my boyfriend and called him a LIAR because I think he cheated on me."

- "I know so many people who have DIED recently. I am becoming numb to the pain." (A gun being associated with sudden deaths in your own life)

- "My boyfriend is INCONSISTENT and DISLIKES people." (volatile and inconsistent behaviour triggering a gun dream)

- "I was INSISTENT and made him go to the doctors. I told him DIRECTLY that if he had chest pains it might be a heart attack."

- "My business is in trouble. I BLAME my business partner." (a gun being a symbol for any strong arguments and emotions)

- "My friend got in an ARGUMENT yesterday. I want to stay out of it but her feelings make the situation very VOLATILE. I don't want to become the target."(a gun symbolizing volatile situations in your own life)

- "My friend was telling me about her new boyfriend. I was pleased for her but felt a bit jealous. I feel their relationship may THREATEN our friendship."

- "I have a very MILITARISTIC PERSONALITY. I have had special ops training."

- "I watched a TV program (the one in the dream) and the hero pointed a gun at someone. It was most out of character and stuck in my mind."

- "I had a very HEATED driving lesson. I almost caused an accident."

- "I am thinking in a CRAZY way right now. I am trying to rewire my brain to think straight."

- "I sensed something was wrong with my husband. I CONFRONTED him about this but he said nothing was wrong. I didn't believe him."

- "I CONFRONTED my boyfriend about him lying."

- "I have been trying to get to sleep but there is SO MUCH GOING ON in my mind that I simply gave up."

Concentrate less and on the "He held a gun in my dream" and more on associated feelings like "He was insistent" and "He was not taking no for answer."
Guns in dreams : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance guns will translate into words like "Provoke","Anger","Confrontational" and "Blame"To mention but a few.

Why are these key words linked to this symbol?
- "Provoke" (People holding guns are obviously provocative)
- "Anger" (A person likely to use a gun is often angry)
- "Confrontational" (Using a gun is a very high level of confrontation
- "Blame" (Pointing a gun is a bit like pointing a finger of blame)
- "Argument" (People with guns have very strongly held views)
dreams are not literal they are metaphors. Dreams are also linked to our emotions and therefore they are likely to be extreme - we often say "I could kill him" when its clearly just a metaphor- "Obsessive" (In practice people who are obsessive are also showing behaviour which links in with other key words such as "Argumentative", "Angry", "Insistent" and "Passionate")
- "Insistent" (If someone is forcing you to do something with a gun then they are insisting)
- "Passionate" (People who hold guns are often very passionate in their views)
- "Phobia" (Phobic people often have very heightened emotions and behaviour which link in with the other keywords featured here such as blame and argument. A phobic person thinks that the world is pointing a finger at them and blaming them)
- "Accusation" (Pointing a gun is a bit like accusing someone.)
- "Paranoia" (Paranoid people believe that the world is against them and they will imagine highly confrontational situations like people pointing guns at them)
- "Compel" (You can use a gun to compel someone to do something)
- "Focus" (When someone holds a gun its a highly focused situation)
- "Determined" (If you hold a gun then you are showing determination)
- "Force" (Obviously if someone is holding gun they intend to force you into doing something)
- "Prevent" (If you are holding a gun you can prevent others doing something)
- "Defend strongly"(If you have a gun then you can defend something)
- "Threaten" (If you are holding a gun its a very threatening behaviour)
- "Trauma" (A gun crime would obviously be something very traumatic and so this could represent any traumatic incident)- "Resist" and "Able to resist" (If you hold a gun you are able to resist. A gun may also suggest that you are confident in your ability to withstand something).- "Soundness of mind" (Have you been thinking about your own soundness of mind? Do you worry you might lose it in some way? Have you been worried about someone's sanity?).

Now try to see how words in this list feature in your thoughts. Think of the things that you write down in a diary or tell a friend. Its likely that dreams translate into conscious thoughts that you are all too aware of - nowadays not many people believe in the unconscious mind. If any of the thoughts that you have seem to feature words on the list then its likely that the dream could link to that exact thought - it may even portray that exact thought process. So if you have been feeling that "Recently you have been full of anger" then a gun dream may portray that feeling exactly. That's because anger is a key word which features in the list and so its a possible symbolic meaning of guns in dreams.

All dream symbols can portray very complex and sophisticated thoughts that we would not associate with dream meanings. Take for instance a dream where the dreamer holds a gun to her friends head and threatens to kill him. In real life he had become very ill the day before and the dreamer wanted him to go the doctors because he had obvious signs of heart disease. But he refused and the dreamer felt guilty about this later. So if we look at the dream it obviously captures this type of thought - "I should have forced him to go to the doctors" or "What could I do! The only way I could have got him to go to the doctors was if I held a gun to his head!"
guns - like most dream symbols - seem quite irrelevant to our ordinary lives. If you do not own a gun and know no one who has one then a dream about one seems totally unrelated to real life. Here is the type of connection you should make. You dream about someone holding a gun to your head and telling you to do something. The previous day you where told that you would have to learn some skills or you might be forced out of your job. Therefore you have metaphorically had a gun held to your head. The dream is a metaphor showing how pressurized you feel. The meaning of the dream may link to how you are reacting to this. It may capture this precise thought "I am not going to be forced in this way" but it may easily capture a thought such as "I will have to give in to this pressure." but certainly the guns dream symbolism links to the feeling that you have been forced into something.

•Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
•Babies and a gun
•Shooting a lion - dream dictionary
•Gun dream and its analysis
•Dream symbols - wanting to scream
•Nightmare about my angry violent husband
•gun pointed at me dream
•Dream symbols - guards guns and earthquake
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Mass Murder in a dream
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
•Ex driving my car - dream interpretation
•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Feeling threatened - dream
•Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
•Policeman in Falsgrave - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - Dr Who
•Commit suicide dream
•I couldn't see dream
•Dream - true passionate love and dog
•Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
•Torture/running/trapped dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com