dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "happy" dreams link to the following real feelings

- "I want to MAKE FRIENDS by talking openly and honestly to her." (a wish for progress in a relationship which would make the dreamer happier)

- "I always look on the dark side but I always have the OPPORTUNITY TO FEEL HAPPY."(a dream which shows that the dreamer could look on the bright side)

- "I broke up with my boyfriend but then we MADE UP and talked about marriage and kids." (the dreamer made up with her boyfriend and this triggered a happy dream)

- "I have just finished a major project which involved a massive effort but now I want to be more PEACEFUL AND CONTENTED." (wanting happier times ahead)

- "I thought I would be CONTENTED AND RELAXED visiting my family but someone who I don't like turned up spoiling everything." (a wish for good times rather than unexpected bad times)

- "I got chatting to a woman and introduced her to my wife. I think I have a NEW FRIEND." (friendships make us happy and this can trigger happy dreams which often seem totally unrelated to real life yet they pinpoint a key feeling like happiness )

- "My NEW FRIEND is an excellent role model and has been guiding me through some difficult problems.."

- "I am in a GOOD MOOD and feel CONFIDENT about the future."

- "My grandfathers wife has passed away and I had a thought that she might leave me some MONEY in her will."

- "Sometimes I forget that we have broken up. Its difficult to accept. I really WISH things could return to how they were."

- "I am beginning to know WHAT I WANT IN LIFE."

- "I should have been happy to see my mother yet I resented how she treated me like a child."

- "I LOVE my father but I constantly get into arguments with him."

- "I have a good job and family but I WISH I could be more SPIRITUALLY FULFILLED."

- "I had a GOOD NIGHT with my family but I just WISH my late father could have been there."

- "I have a STRONG BELIEF that my ex will get back together with me."

- "I constantly worry about my 3 year old daughter as she is so INNOCENT. I was raped as a child so feel very protective."

- "Over the last two days the dreamer had been INSPIRED to write poetry and was also having DEEPLY SPIRITUAL conversations with a friend."

- "I am EXTREMELY CONTENT in my new home."

- "I have just returned from a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY and FEEL GOOD about the world."

- "I have been trying to be NICE TO PEOPLE at work."

- "I have been thinking about my visit tomorrow to an AMUSEMENT park. I am WISHING for a GOOD TIME"

- "I am looking for a job and am trying to think WHAT PEOPLE WANT."

- "I have nothing to do on Valentines day but at least my mother is IMPORTANT TO ME."

- "before I had this dream, I had visited a local place where people get free food and clothes. It made me realise how blessed I am in life."

- "I WISH I could be FREE of my parents. They control everything in my life."

- "I fear I might lose my girlfriend but last night we IRONED OUT SOME DIFFERENCES and so I FEEL A LOT BETTER."

- "He is very frustrating but I have a LOVE HATE RELATIONSHIP with him. I secretly ADMIRE HIM"

- "We went out last night and my husband eat too much but I let him because he was CONTENT."

- "I am thinking about my boyfriend and whether or not to move in with him. I WANT to but I have some doubts."

- "I have been very withdrawn but just recently my MOOD has improved because I have a new friend who is a GOOD ROLE MODEL who is filling me with POSITIVE THOUGHTS."

- "I was determined to have a really GOOD CHRISTMAS but my mother spoilt things as usual."

Emotional dreams are often easy to understand. A happy dream may simply show you were in a happy mood last night.
Feeling happy in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. Feeling happy in a dream may simply capture some recent thought like "I woke up feeling in a good mood", or "He seems happier now he has got something to do".

Keywords linked to happy dreams in practice happy dreams have common triggers and you can translate their meaning into key words and phrases. The full list of these phrases appears below. Try to think how these keywords feature in your thoughts right now. If an important new feeling or thought about yesterday features any of these words then its likely that thought which triggered your dream.
- "Feeling positive about the future" (We can only really be happy if we feel settled and feeling positive about the future. A happy dream may mark a moment when you feel much more secure and settled about the future. Have you started to feel more settled? Has someone close to you suddenly started feeling more positive about the future?)
- "Wanting to be happy" (Do you tend to be very pessimistic? At certain times your dreams will mark moments when you try to break out of those moods. Unhappy people will try to feel happier. A happy dream may spark your attempts to claw your way out of a rut. Have you been thinking about what would make you happy? Have you been thinking about what life would be life without certain problems or responsibilities? Have you been thinking about how to clear some tension?)
dreams are in the here and now. Your moods constantly change. A happy dream may simply mean that when you went to sleep you were in a good mood and this influenced your dream. - "Woke up elated" (Dreams can simply tap into new moods. If you wake up with a strong emotion then your dream may also have featured that exact same emotion. Did you wake up feeling elated? Your dream may simply mean that "I woke up feeling elated". Your dreams detect these strong emotions and seem to give a dream which features the same emotions. The plot may not bear any resemblance to real life but the dream simply showcases that self same emotion)
- "Feeling OK about a major change" (Dreams pinpoint key moments in your thinking and a happy dream may link to you feeling much more settled about some major changes.)
- "Good news" (Did you receive some good news? If so then your dream simply means finds an outlet during sleep for all the happy feelings. Have you been expecting some good news? If so your mind is picturing the good news to come. The mind is very suggestive and if you feel positive then the effects transmit into your dreams. Your dream simply captures the optimism)
- "A happy holiday" (Have you just had a happy holiday? Have you just had a good long relaxing break? Any change of scenery will help refresh you)
- "Fond memories" (Have you been thinking about some good times in the past? Were you looking at some old photos which reminded you of fond memories? The dream mind is highly suggestive. Once started off we start to relive past times as if they are happening right now. Your dreams could link to these memories as they flood back and spill over into dreams)
your happy dream may seem totally unrelated to real life. The story line in it may seem completely bizarre. But if you are happy in a dream and happy in real life then the two are connected.
- "Spiritually uplifted" (Dreams will capture real high points in our emotions. If you felt on top of the world yesterday and spiritually contented then your dream may feature some of those positive feelings)
- "Growing as a person" (Do you feel you have been growing as a person? A happy dream may occur at crucial times when we grow as people. Did you suddenly feel much stronger as a person yesterday?)
- "Settled relationship" (If you feel more settled about the world then we can start to truly feel happy. So the root cause of a happy dream maybe the a more settled relationship? Have you just sorted out some problems?)
- "Content" (Dreams always have a trigger. Did you feel very contented yesterday? If so your dream was probably triggered by this strong mood. We like to mark moments of strong emotions within our memory and dreams can help us remember such strong feelings)
- "Will something really make you happy" (Dreams are part of how we think about things deeply? Sometimes we want something but if we think about it seriously it will not make us happy.)
- "Good mood" (Were you in a particularly good mood yesterday? If so then your dream captures these strong feelings as they try to find an outlet during sleep. Strong emotions spill over into dreams a little like a cup overflowing with liquid. Was someone close to you in a very good mood? If so your dream may have marked this special moment)
- "Good new relationship" (Have you just formed a new friendship? If so then dreams will mark this key moment as your mind starts to realise this persons positive effects on you. This dream maybe marks a moment when you start to value this relationship and it will encourage you to cultivate this new friendship)
dream symbols connect with emotions and scenarios which are similar. Happiness is related to words such as "Content", "Relaxed" and "Settled." to understand your dream try to see how any of related feelings are relevant in your life right now.

•Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
•End of the world - dream analysis
•New born baby dream analysis
•Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
•Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
•Wolf Friend dream analysis
•At uncles home - dream analysis
•Dream about a swaying skyscraper
•A shark dream and its symbolic meanings
•Ghost of dead grandmother dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - kiss ex boyfriend
•Dream symbolism - intimidating man
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Perfect smile - dream analysis
• Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
•Stepping inside a cathedral and healing - dream dictionary meanings
•My Father's Visit
•Men playing cards against women - dream symbolism
•Dream analysis - daughter gets out of shower naked but happy with fiance
•Happy whales - dream analysis
•Dream about buying alcohol.
•Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
•Crocodile bites me dream
•A dream about an emotional day from the day before
•Dream - time travel machine
• Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
•King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Job application and seamstress dream analysis
•Dream symbols - romantic interest
•Rat And Dragon dream
•Death comes to kill me dream
•My Parents Dying
•shopping money and friends dream
•Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
•Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
•Husband kissing another woman- dream interpretation
•Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
•Parents proud - dream analysis
•Uprooting whole tree - dream symbolism
•Dream symbols - executed in hospital
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
•Psychic dream - prisoner released
•Family of whales - dream interpretation
•Dream about being a drug addict
•A black friendly dog - dream dictionary
•Stone grave and dark sky - dream interpretation
•Big dolphin dream
•Teacher From The Past dream
•Dream - screaming at snake and knife
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Dark figures dream
•Commit suicide dream
•Clock dream - interpretation
•Good nightmares and werewolf
•Brother falling - dream symbolism
•Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
•Happy dream
•Horse dies dream
•stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
•The way of the Lord dream
•Mum and Dad dream
•Parachute jumping dream
•I met my mum in my dreams
•A dream with deceased family members
•Brother dream
•Dream symbols - past girlfriend
•Betrayed and disappointed dream
•Embarrassed dream
•My deceased mother

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com