dream analysis study

Hedgehogs in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that hedgehog in practice captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Hedgehog dreams - "Prickly mood" (Was someone in a very prickly mood yesterday? If so then the dream probably relates in some way to that. The dream could mean that you "Wished you were not so prickly yesterday" or may be you disliked the "Prickliness of someone else")
- "Shy" "Hides from danger"(If a hedgehog senses danger then it hides away. So the dream could be a metaphor for someone who "Sticks their head in the sand" or "Hides at the first sign of danger".)

Try to avoid seeing dreams symbols in simplistic ways. Yes hedgehogs can be symbolic of you "Being in a pickly mood". Dreams can use symbols in more complex ways. Yes hedgehogs translate into the word prickly but think of all the contexts that this word features in your thoughts e.g. "He was very prickly", "My gran was very prickly last night - I wonder if there is something wrong", or "She was prickly with me - it's just not necessary".


If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com