Using psychology we find that "heights" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "I felt completely OUT OF MY DEPTH talking to those business men yesterday"
- "I was feeling REASSURED in my boyfriends presence. I felt I could cope with things which normally intimidate me"
- "I felt OUT OF PLACE at that social club. I was on the verge of having a PANIC ATTACK."
- "I was totally LACKING IN CONFIDENCE with her. I did not know what to say."
- "I was talking to my counsellor yesterday about my SOCIAL PHOBIAS."
- "I normally suffer from SOCIAL PHOBIAS but today I woke up feeling much stronger"
- "She wants to go out with me but I do not have the CONFIDENCE to date a girl like that."
- "I will probably see her tomorrow but I have not got the CONFIDENCE to see her because I have not seen her for so long."
- "I am sure that my boss will RECOGNISE MY TALENTS."
- "I am SCARED to meet her because she keeps on confronting me."
. - "I want to meet up with them but I often feel AWKWARD AND NERVOUS meeting new people"
Heights in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Heights" dream may simply capture a feeling such as "I am really scared doing that". Your dream simply uses one fear to express your fears about something else.
Heights dreams - "Lack of confidence" (Did you have a complete lack of confidence yesterday? Do you suffer from confidence problems? A fear in a dream may symbolise anything in life where you feel equivalent fear, so a dream about a fear of heights may link to anything that was scaring you yesterday.)
- "Intimidated" (Did you feel intimidated by someone yesterday? Do you feel intimidated by a group of people or place which you go to? Think of the fear of heights and then think of that continuous sense of fear in real life - does you dream capture a identical level of fear? At the heart of the dream is a comparison - its like saying "Talking to him really scared me. I felt like I was standing on top of a skyscraper looking down".)
- "Nervous" (Do you suffer from terrible nerves? Are you worried about something in particular which is coming up?)
- "Fear of confrontation" (Has someone been very confrontational at work? Do you fear your next meeting with someone?)
- "Social phobias" (Do you suffer from severe phobias and anxiety attacks? Did you have an anxiety attack yesterday?)
- "Fear doing something" (Were you worried all last night because you are due to do something which is scaring you? Dreams like these can express your fears about upcoming matters)
- "Out of depth" (Did you feel out of your depth yesterday? Heights in dreams may link to anything which is testing you or stretching your abilities. It may link to you mixing with people who are more able or more wealthy than you. Your dream may simply show your nerves meeting such people.)
Think about the words and phrases above and try to see how the fear of heights is linked to your current state of mind. Think of any connection with the themes above. A dream may approach a symbol from any point of view. It may simply capture your fear of doing something. It may capture you thinking through your feelings of fear and trying to manage them. So if you have been thinking about meeting someone who scares you in some way but you feel you can cope then your dream probably captures that feeling that you can cope.
Dream symbolism - vets
Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
Top floor dream
Skyscraper collapses dream
Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
Dream - steep steps
Dream symbols - scared of heights
Waiting on top of a skyscraper
Mass Murder in a dream
Falling from great height dream
Dream - exploring building
A dream about being urinated on by a bully
A nice hot bath
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at