Using psychology we find that "horrible" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I CANNOT BELIEVE the lengths she will go to to ANNOY me."
- "I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW NAUGHTY my young son was at school yesterday."
- "I am REALLY UNHAPPY IN MY MARRIAGE yet I am not going to do anything about it."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my cousin having a hard time and not coping well with his fathers illness."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of a work inspection and feeling guilty about duping the inspector into thinking everything was OK." (behaving horribly to someone)
- "I have just found out a man I am in love with has had sex with men. I feel really dirty and HUMILIATED."
- "I feel that everything in the world is bad and we exist to SUFFER PAIN AND HUMILIATION."
- "I was at a wake for my uncle who died in jail and virtually everyone there was a junkie or criminal. They were HORRIBLE PEOPLE and I was glad to get away."
- "I was watching a program on TV last night about Mexican gangs and they left a REALLY BAD FEELING about these PEOPLE WHO WERE SO EVIL."
- "I was watching TV coverage of Hurricane Katrina and it really BROUGHT TO LIFE how much they SUFFERED."
- "I was thinking last night about what it would be like to cut myself off from my family. I knew I would HAVE TO BE RUTHLESS." (he would have to behave horribly)
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of an AWFUL TERRORIST ATTACK the next day."
- "The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was thinking about HOW BAD MY LIFE WAS since I got married."
Horrible in dreams: Dreams are symbolic versions of our own thoughts. The symbols used are linked to how our minds store conceptual thoughts and emotions. If analysed properly they will translate into a quote which captures a key feeling at the time of the dream. Since dreams are linked to the here and now then most dreams will translate into the types of thoughts we would tell a good friend or write down in a diary. For example a dream which has "Horrible" in it could translate into a word like "shocking". Try to see if that word appears in your key feelings. For instance if you were thinking "I was shocked by how my sister treated her young son. She totally humiliated him." In that way the word "horrible" is linked to something that "shocked" you.
Full list of keywords which link to "horrible" in dreams
- "Controlling and annoying" Did someone behave in a controlling and manipulative way yesterday? If so the dream is about this manipulative behaviour.
- "Premonition" Did something shocking happen on the day of the dream? If yes then the dream could be a premonition of something bad about to happen?
- "Low life" Did you come into contact with some undesirable people the day before the dream? Are you scared of criminal type people who take advantage of anyone weak?
- "Unhappy relationship" Do you feel uncomfortable in an important relationship? Are you in a rocky relationship with lots of ups and downs? Are you being badly treated by a loved one? If yes then the dream is about your unhappy emotions.
- "Feeling guilty" Have you realised that you have been treating someone badly? Have you got some regrets about something you have done? If so then the dream is about your feelings of guilt.
- "Shocking" Were you shocked by something the day before the dream?
- "Feeling depressed" Do you generally feel nothing but pain in life? Are you severely depressed?
Understanding dreams is not so difficult. A dream may seem unrelated to real life but the story in your dream may capture a key thought (the type of feeling you may tell a friend or write down in a diary). Just look for key emotions from the day before or your thoughts about the day to come. For instance if you were thinking about some "low life" people (Low life is one of our key phrases above) then the dream could be about that. Then try to think of a quote which captures your key feeling which includes "low life" such as "I was at a funeral yesterday and all my deceased uncles friends look like they have been in jail. They were real low life." Dreams will translate into key feelings like these. Just remember that dreams are in the here and now - simply look for conscious feelings.
Psychic dream of terror attacks in London
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Gang raping my daughter
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Terrible Nightmare
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
Evil spirit takes over my body dream
Dream with a cute guy
Mum and Dad dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at