dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "hospitals" in our database of dreams link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of real feeelings whic have triggered the dream. Full linksto dreams feature at the bottom of the page

- "I am trying to HELP a man learn to read. I just want to MAKE HIS LIFE BETTER." (hospitals are associated with the wider meaning of helping people)

- "Me and my sister are both in similar situations. We are trying to MAKE OUR LIVES BETTER."

- "I work in a children's ward in hospital." (a literal meaning)

- "I am very DEPRESSED and UNABLE TO COPE." (in need of care and attention)

- "My father is ill with cancer." (real illnesses can trigger hospital dreams)

- "I am receiving PSYCHIATRIC HELP and my health is very bad." (a dream of someone ill in the mind can trigger any hospital dream)

- "I am expecting my grandmothers death at anytime. She is very ill." (death is associated with hospitals)

- "I simply CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE as my boyfriend is destroying me." (in need of some TLC)

- "I am TRYING TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE. I have been testing out my intuitive skills but it went wrong with one woman who I did not realise had cancer and wanted to be left alone." (curing peoples emotional needs)

- "I need to wake up because I can hear my son CRYING FOR HELP. When I wake up I can give him some care and attention."

- "At last I am on the internet at home - I know this will MAKE MY LIFE BETTER." ( hospitals can be associated with anything that is making life better)

- "I am ill but I have to GET BETTER because I have an important job interview in a couple of days."(any real illness can trigger a hospital dream)

- "I had an argument with my husband and was REALLY UPSET and in need of some care and attention. I hid in a room in a friends house."

- "I have to give my friend some CARE AND ATTENTION because she is DEPRESSED." (emotional illness can be symbolised by any psychical illness)

- "I am down and my plans have been disrupted. I need to FRESHEN UP MY LIFE.. I am thinking of ways in which I CAN MAKE MY LIFE BETTER."

- "I worry that my mental health is getting worse. If I get worse then I will have to take pills."

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my uncle going into hospital."

- "I went to sleep wondering if my boyfriend was happy with me. I wrote a song about our love."

- "I have been having a lot of STRESS recently." (stress triggering a dream about hospital)

Hospitals in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Hospital" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "Our relationship is not very healthy and happy". In that way your dream uses health in its wider definition.

Full list of keywords
In practice hospitals have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Healthier and happier" (Are you trying to make a relationship much happier and healthier? Is something not very healthy in your life right now? Are you thinking about the "Health" of the company you work for? If any of these apply right now then your hospital dream maybe about that issue)
- "Quality of life" (Hospital dreams may link to issues involving much wider definitions of health. Think of quality of life issues. If you can think of something then you maybe thinking about making your your life healthier and happier)
- "Depression" (Perhaps the worst illnesses we have are those involving depression. Are you trying to get out of a low mood?)
- "An illness" (A hospital in a dream may just be your minds way of saying "I am ill" or "I need to seek attention for this illness". The mind thinks in this simplistic way.)
- "Mending" (Does a relationship need mending? Does a computer system or something equally abstract need mending? Hospital dreams can tap into such things)
- "Tender loving care" (Is someone in need of some special care and attention? Did you give someone some tender loving care yesterday? Were you trying to raise your own spirits yesterday? Hospitals link into these wider definitions of ill health and things that make our lives unhappy.)
- "Feeling better" (Are you "Feeling better" about something? Hospital dreams are about these loose definitions of health and feeling happy)
- "Upset" (Were you upset about something yesterday? Hospital dreams can be about very loose definitions of health. They link to things which make us happy and things which make us unhappy. Happy things are healthy and unhappy things are unhealthy.)

•Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
• Cleaning up blood after doctors appointment
•Baby dies - dream symbol
•Covering up my genitals - dream analysis
•Father resting - dream analysis
•Cleaning on a farm near a hospital dream
•Mom grabs snake - dream interpretation
•I dreamt I was in a psychiatric hospital
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
•my son crying in an asylum
•Dream interpretation - a double dinner in hospital
•Dream symbols - executed in hospital
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Friend has lung cancer dream
•Foreign and home doctors - dream dictionary meanings
•Dream about drug dealer
•Dream interpretation - bedside commode
•Dream interpretation about hospitals and finding your purse
•Bleeding nightmare
•Cancer pain - dream analysis
•"Death Dream comes true
•Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com