dream analysis study

Hotels in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that hotel in practice captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Full list of keywords
- "Support" "Encouragement"(Are you wanting help and encouragement from others?)
- "Having no real home" (Are you homeless or semi homeless right now? Are you unable to put down roots somewhere?)
- "Respect for other peoples property" "Taking liberties"(Did you realise that you took some liberties somewhere yesterday?)
- "Dogsbody" (Do you feel you are someone's dogsbody? Do your children treat their home as if its a hotel? Does someone want everything sorted out for them? Do they want you at their beck and call)
- "Helped" "Other people doing things for you"

•Must save myself in a tidal wave - dream analysis
•Skyscraper - dream analysis
•Giving a baby up for adoption dream
•Kissing my crush - dream interpretation
•Spilling urine - dream dictionary
•Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
•Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Grand Hotel in dilapidated state dream analysis
•Scared of tornado - dream analysis
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Exploding buildings in Israel dream
•Dream - huge building and intruders
•Dream - new route not so steep
•Hidden in garden of mansion - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - finding a bed
•Learning from others
•Harry potter and devil dream
•A body in hot water dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com