dream analysis study

Houses in dreams : A dream about a house may easily represent your "Home" or "Homely" or a wish for "Homeliness". Yet its often been said that houses represent the self. The house can represent your own personality. A house may even be a symbol for your own body and the state of the house a symbol for your health.

Houses in dreams
- "Changes in behaviour"(Have you been thinking over how you are changing as a person? Did you do something especially well or badly)
- "My health" "My body"(If you are ill then a run down house may simply be a symbol for your own run down health. The dream will be about some specific thought about your health e.g. "I am still very ill" or "I think I can get on with some of my work")
- "My personality"
- "My approach"(Have you been thinking over how to do something? Did you do something badly yesterday and need to try something new?)
- "My future"(Have you been thinking over your future?)
- "Mood"(A house dream may link to some predominate mood or emotion right now)

Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "House" dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "House" translates into these very real feelings.

- "I acted in a way I do not normally behave yesterday"
- "Why did I do that?"
- "I have been thinking about my health"
- "They keep telling me that I need to ..."
- "I want to prove how much I can do this"
- "This is just not good for him"
- "I do not think I have ever got over that"
- "I am trying to think of my future"
- "I have been thinking over my approach to it"

•Walking in the dark dream
•Homely atmosphere dream
•Dream - my son with snakes everywhere
•Wedding dress stain - dreams symbolism
•Ex husband in a coma
•Babies and a gun
•Friends house reconstruction dream
•Dream - shaggy man died and haunts me
•A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
•Psychic dream of terror attacks in London
•Speed bump dream
•Snake threatening me dream
•Wonderful new house dream analysis
•sex with brother in law - dream interpretation
•Trapped by deformed people
•Run down house dream
•Dream interpretation river takes house away
•Dream about red neck's taking over nice home
•White doves - dream analysis
•President Lincolns precognitive dream of his own death
•Dream - cool people and pop stars
•Homeless people and co-worker - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - neglected babies
•Mother lion dream
•Terrorists dream
•Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
• Jungs house dream and the collective unconscious
•Lights switched on in house - dream analysis
•Little boy with no name
•Cannot see properly - dream symbolism
•Dream analysis - end of the world
•Tornado deam analysis
•Going home lone - dream analysis
•The king wants to stay home dream
•Kennedy assasination dream analysis
•Explosion dream
• Sleepover with best friend dream
•Baby girl dream
• Torturing experience - dream interpretation
•Four brothers - dream analysis
•Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
• Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
•Dream symbols - zombies chasing
•A dream about wolves forcing their way in
•Earthquake dream
•Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
•Tornado Dream
•Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
•Video in public place dream analysis
•Favourite Aunt dream and church
•Dream symbolism - unfamiliar place
•At uncles home - dream analysis
•trapped in a room whilst exploring a house - dream
•Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
•Tornado funnel - dream analysis
•A tornado dream on a beach
•Tornadoes dream analysis
•Tiger in the boat dream
•Premonition Dream - something thrown at house
•My mother says he likes children - dream interpretation
•Idyllic house dream
•Dream symbolism - police search
•Apocalyptic dream
•Earthquake Dream
•Secret rooms - dream interpretation
•Place on plane
•Superman swimming underwater - dream interpretation
•Mother shakes off snake - dream interpretation
•Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
•Sleepover with friend - dream analysis
•Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
•Skyscraper - dream analysis
•Beautiful sky - dream analysis
•Community leader and snake - dream interpretation
• Dream - Father abuses niece
•Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
•Dream symbols - shark bite
•Pretty girls - dream interpretation
•Exploring an entrance to my new home - dream interpretation
•Scotland baby dream analysed
•Scared of tornado - dream analysis
•Reunion - dream dictionary
•Lots of large rats dream
•Dream symbols - wanting to scream
•Snake chasing me - dream analysis
•Prospect Road - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
•Family cut up by killers dream
•Dream - assessment by police and homeless officer
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
•Paris Hilton drunk dream
•Old girlfriend dream
•Empty house - dream analysis
•Not paying bills - dream symbolism
•Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
•Dream - night garden and flowers that shine
•Niece drowned dream
•Welcoming fire - dream analysis
•Impressive apartment dream - psychic premonitions
•Nightmare about my angry violent husband
•Monstrous old witch woman dream interpretation
•My Father's Visit
•Dream symbolism - men huddled together
•Castle dream
•An amazing coincidence - dream analysis
•Unknown man at grandmas home - dream interpretation
•Sisters loft - dream analysis
•Keep an alligators mouth shut dream
• Dream - creepy invisible demon
•Iraq dream
•Intruder in bedroom dream
•Intruders in my house dream interpretation
•ignored by boss - dream analysis
•Man stops me in a huge house - dream symbolism
•Dream analysis - daughter gets out of shower naked but happy with fiance
•Homely fire dream
•Eerie feeling - dream analysis
•Crying out for help dream
•Dream about guillotine
•Dream about buying alcohol.
•Gang raping my daughter
•Dream symbolism- police arrest drunk
•My fathers head floating - dream symbolism
•Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
•Dream symbols - deluge
•Tornado and a strange talking head dream interpretation
•Falling trapped on rocks - dream interpretation
•Trombone dream
•Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
•Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
•Psychological dream analysis showed how a dream captured the dreamers excitement
•Dream about getting the blame.
•Jumping off a hill dream
•Dream analysis showed a dream linked to changes in the persons life
•A dream about a friend who turns nasty
•Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
•Psychological analysis of a homeless dream
•A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
•Huge house with TV - dream analysis
• Basement and sewer dream symbols
• Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
• Gardener and little girl dream
•Screaming face - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
•Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
•Suburban area and suicide spot - dream analysis
•World War Three - dream analysis
•King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
•Man of my destiny - premonitions
•Trick crocodile dream
•Tornado warning dream
•Tornado Dream
•Huge black tornado - dream analysis
•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Foreigners think I am a criminal dream
•Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
•Ghost in Haunted Apartment
•Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
•Protecting you
•Finger print dream
•Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Ghost ship - dream interpretation
•we had sex in his house!
•Dream - skating down highway and primary school
•Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - romantic interest
•Dream symbolism - watching a woman being raped
•Friend has a baby dream
•Police clothes - dream interpretation
•Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
•Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
•Luxurious house dream
•New York City dream
•Poisonous snakes
•Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
•Newcastle dream
•Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
•Intruder in house - dream analysis
•A huge monster truck dream interpretation
•Husband is being extremely mean
•Missing someone dream
•Mass Murder in a dream
•Man staring at me in my house - dream analysis
•Leopard in car dream interpretation
• Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
•Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
•Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
•Parents proud - dream analysis
•Premonition dream - intruder in the house
•Dream - daughter causing me grief
•Ignoring my father dream interpretation
•Woke up screaming and crying. help!
•Icy path - dream interpretation
•Uprooting whole tree - dream symbolism
•Woman asks at my moms funeral - dream interpretation
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Dream interpretation - feel like a celebrity
•Dream interpretation - homeless
•Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
•Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
•A feeling of belonging - dream interpretation
•Good students misbehave - dream interpretation
•Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
•Giant tree dream
•Dream - ghost
•Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
•Foreign and home doctors - dream dictionary meanings
•Athletic climb - dream interpretation
•Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
•Weeds in garden dream
•Dream interpretation - mother and father in ambulance
•Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
•Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
•Sunny and warm stream - dream analysis
•Drains overflow in house - dream
•Dogs follow me dream
•Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
•Trust a man in my house - dream analysis
•Crocodile mouth dream
•Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
•Dream interpretation - a cold house
•Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
•Dream symbolism - Christmas
•Flying with an eagle
•Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
•Deep cut and bleeding dream
•Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
•Crossing a beautiful river dream
•A dream about being back at school taking exams
•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• My boyfriend has died dream
•Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
•An older man is preparing to leave in sports car - dream analysis
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Multiple dreams- people dying
•Teacher From The Past dream
•Splashing violently at pond - dream interpretation
•Police and riots - dream symbolism
•Purple nail polish dream
•Dream interpretation - moving into a new flat
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Bright light dream
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Dream - huge building and intruders
•Incubated dream
•Dream analysis - impossible
•Dream interpretation - hollow tree
•A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
•Dream symbolism - police shooting
•Dogs chasing leopard dream
•Dream symbols - mansion and Elizibethan ghosts
•Forest dies dream
•Fish trying to communicate dream
•Film review dream
•Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
•Father worried about house dream analysis
•Farm and plants - dream interpretation
•Policeman in Falsgrave - dream analysis
•Fallen trees - dream analysis
•Evil spirit takes over my body dream
•Dream - brother on drugs and ill
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Dream - new route not so steep
•Intruder dream
•Comforting house dream!
•Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
•Church basement dream dictionary
•Chased by police in home town dream
•Dream - champagne supernova
•Car Explosion dream
•Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
•Dream - dolphins and lifeguard and beautiful calm sea
•Dream symbols - buy drink for lecturers
•Moving dream
•Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
•Set fire to managers kitchen - dream interpretation
•Judge and jury and blood dream
•Blocking bird from entering house - dream analysis
•Bedsit dream
•Happy dream
•Basic training - dream analysis
•Trespassing - dream analysis
•Insecure flat in mansion - dream analysis
•A baby dream and large building
•Identical babies- dream analysis
•stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
•First alien dream
•Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
•The way of the Lord dream
•Dilapidated house dream
•Talking with deceased neighbor dream symbolism
•Dream symbols - Circular bridge
•Mum and Dad dream
•Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck
•Turning off lights in house - dream interpreted
•Boyfriend begging - dream analysis
•At my Granddads allotment dream
•Dream symbols - finding a bed
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
• Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
•Repressed memory
•Accusing woman dream
•Demand expenses - dream interpretation
•A perfect fit - dream analysis
•Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting
•"Death Dream comes true
•Watching a crocodile pacing along my road dream
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•Neglecting dream
•My boyfriend died - dream analysis
•Cats in huge house - dream symbolism
•A body in hot water dream
•Angry dog dream
•Poison food dream analysis
•Torture/running/trapped dream
•Old friends dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com