dream analysis study

Ice in dreams: Ice often links to "Errors" and "Precarious situations" as walking on ice often leads to "Errors" and is extremely "Precarious".

Keywords and phrases
- "Slip up" "Mistake" "Error"(Ice is easy to slip up on and we actually use that phrase to describe "Errors" and "Mistakes". Your dream could therefore be your minds way of referring to an error such as "I made an error" or "I simply cannot make a mistake tomorrow" or "That was an expensive mistake".)
- "Balance"(We associate ice dreams with "Slipping up" and in turn we link "Slipping up" with errors. Yet slipping up may have more literal meanings as you may be having trouble balancing at the moment)
- "Awkward situation" "Precarious"(Ice could symbolise an awkward situation. Your dream could therefore link to phrases like "It's so awkward right now" or "I never know what to say to him without offending him - it's like walking on ice")
- "Notb in full control"

Dreams represent important thought processes and feelings. A dream can literally translate into quotes which sum up those key feelings. Listed below are a few examples of the types of key feelings that an ice dream could link to.

- "I find it difficult being with him - its like walking on ice"
- "I am finding it difficult to keep my balance right now"
- "I made a terrible error - I feel so guilty"
- "I worry I will make an error"
- "I need to cool down as I have just lost my temper"

•Savouring an ice cream - dream dictionary meanings
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
•Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
•A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Woke up screaming and crying. help!
•Icy path - dream interpretation
•Chased by a shark dream
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Horse dies dream
•Attractive older man - dream interpretation
•Huge thrashing shark dream
•Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting
• Dream chocolate ice cream and ants

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com