Using psychology we find that "judges" in the dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "I have just lost my job and hate how they had IMMENSE POWER OVER ME. I had a real sense of my own self importance and thought they would never let me go."
- "Last night was the first night I was watching digital TV with lots of stations. IN MY OPINION it was not up to much with many repeats"
- "I am IN THE WRONG at work because I do not apply the rules FAIRLY. I show favouritism towards my friends."
- "I was reading though the articles which have been submitted and applying one set of CRITERIA an article is best because it is entertaining but it has loads of spelling mistakes."
- "My child is sick and I reacted by making sure everything was super clean. I was FEELING GUILTY and did not want to be JUDGED A BAD MOTHER."
- "If I am doing art I need to be ENJOYING IT if I am going to paint well"
- "I am bitter that I have had my hours cut at work. I thought I was invaluable to them. I just hate the fact that SOMEONE HAS POWER OVER ME."
- "My husband has split up from me. I hate how SOMEONE HAS MADE A DECISION THAT HAS MADE MY LIFE WORSE."
Judges in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Judge" dream may simply translate "Power" and the dream captures the feeling "I hate how my employer could make a decision over my life". In that way the judge is pointing to the amount of power that a judge has over peoples lives as they make decisions which affect your life.
Keywords linked to judge dreams - "Power" (A criminal just has to stand in the dock and take what a judge says. This is an immense power to have over someone? Do you hate someone having an immense power over you? Has someone made a decision which really affects your life and which you really did not want? Has some change been imposed on you without any discussion?)
- "Feeling guilty" (If you are feeling guilty then a judge could represent the fear that you will be found out or that people will point the finger at you. Have you been feeling guilty? Has this affected your thinking)
- "How to decide which is best" (Are you going to be the judge in some competition? Have you been thinking over why something is better than something else?)
- "Blame" (Judges can appear in a wider sense in dreams. Inquiries can be very similar to courts of law. Are you involved in any legal cases? Have you been blamed for something and you are seeking to prove your innocence?)
- "Improve" (Have you been trying to make something better? Have you a hobby which you wish to perform better in? Have you been trying to get the best out of yourself?)
Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
Dream - enjoying Olympics competition
Dream - judge,frown and cheating
Children's competition - dream analysis
Rats,worms,flies and maggots
Swarms of flies and father warns - dream symbolism
Execution dream
Judge and jury and blood dream
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at