dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that REAL "knife" dreams link to the following real feelings

- "I am not enjoying work because someone is CAUSING HUGE TROUBLE for me."
- "I have just found out that my father has died. I do not feel any sadness because I HATED him all my life.."
- "I really HATE the conservative culture I live in. I do not want an arranged marriage."
- "I DISLIKE organised religion though I do like going to church."
- "I had to get rid of a load of old computers. I had to come to a QUICK DECISION but we simply had no space for them."
- "I HATE my grandmother. She is going to be staying for months."
- "I have an evil perspective on life and feel as if all my life has been FULL OF PAIN AND TORTURE."
- "I did NOT LIKE what my boyfriend said to me. I don't think he wants a serious relationship."
- "I cannot believe what she said. She knows someone who committed a real murder. So I know someone who knew a man who committed murder!
- "I believe this dream was a premonition of my fathers DEATH."
- "I am trying to show my students who to REALLY DELVE INTO their subject."
- "I have just had a HUGE ARGUMENT with my child's father."
- "I had a mini ARGUMENT yesterday."
- "I am SCARED because they have a lot of POWER over me and I am THREATENED with deportation at any time."
- "I am having a lot of DISRUPTION AND PROBLEMS GENERALLY in my life right now."
- "I am SCARED my mother will die soon. I am very UPSET general\\\ly."
- "I saw a man who has mental health problems get into a HUGE RAGE yesterday."
- "I was UPSET when my manager CRITICISED ME AND CONFRONTED me."
- "I was trying to tell my father that my brothers new girlfriend is no good."
- "I said something which really UPSET my friend. I did not mean it."
- "I want to CONFRONT her but I fear that it will cause too many problems."
- "I am in a CRAZY and rocky relationship with lots of up;s and down's."

Dreams of knives could be symbols for a dispute which is very personal. Why? Because a knife fight is very personal and involved.
Knives in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Knife" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I think that criticism was unjustified and I will strongly resist his attempts to blame me". In that way your dream picks out one of the features of knives - these are used to resist people attacking you. So really the knife fight was symbolic of this "Very personal dispute" and the dreamers attempts to "Strongly resist".

Full list of keywords
In practice knives have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. The knife in your dream probably captures one of these feelings.
- "Criticism" (Did you take some criticism to heart yesterday? Were you confronted and blamed by someone for present failures?)
- "Personal disputes" (Did someone say something very personal towards you yesterday? Has a dispute become very involved and personal? A knife fight is a very bitter and personal struggle and can link to any situation where you feel this level of personal animosity)
- "Abusive behaviour" (Have you been thinking about someone's abusive behaviour with you? Have you started to realise how abusive you can be yourself?)
- "Intense personal struggle" (A knife fight is an intense personal struggle. Have you been involved in an intense dispute with someone? Have there been disagreements at work?)
- "Ending a relationship" (We use the phrase "You need to cut him out of your life" when you want to end a relationship. Have you been thinking in such a way? Has someone tried to end their relationship with you?)
- "Determination to stop something" (Holding a knife sends out a very clear message to someone.)
- "Delve" (We use the phrase "Getting to the heart of the matter" and this is very similar to knives in dreams. A knife pierces deep inside something. Obviously that can link to disputes and confrontations but it can also represent a wish to really sort something out. To maybe understand a subject from inside out)
- "A very involved situation" (A knife dream can obviously be linked to bad feelings and confrontation but it could also link such a dream to any intense or involved situation. Were you involved in any exciting and intense situations yesterday? Were you thinking how involved something could become?)
- "Attempt to resist" (Were you trying to resist something yesterday? Were others making it very clear that they disagreed with you and intend to stop you by any means possible?)
- "Bitter and uncaring" (Knives, and especially butchers knives, can be linked to cold and heartless emotions. Have you started to realise how nasty and uncaring someone is? Have you been thinking how cold and emotionless you have become?)
- "Increase understanding" (A knife can be symbolic of you really penetrating deep inside a subject. To get deep to the heart of the matter you have to cut the subject open and delve deep inside)
- "Getting everything out into the open" (Knives obviously can link to confrontation but sometimes we get everything out into the open and this can be healthy. We talk openly and honestly and although this can involve pain and criticism it is sometimes very good to know how others feel and know the truth)

Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance one dreamer had been thinking about his own behaviour and was starting to realise how abusive he could be - especially to his ex girlfriend. So when he had a dream about a kidnapper threatening a child with a knife if people came near him it was obvious that this dream linked to his recent worries about himself. Of course he was no where near as bad as the person in the dream - dreams see things in extremes. But the kidnapper was a symbol for himself and his own worst behaviour. He was now aware of his own failings and was trying to turn himself around.

Dreams can represent very sophisticated thoughts. For instance one dream in our database featured the dreamer trying to stab a snake with a knife. In real life the dreamer had been worried that his mother might die. The dream may seem totally unconnected to real life. But in fact it captures his key feeling. Killing a snake captures his feelings that he would do whatever he could to stop his mother dying. If you carefully think about a dreams symbolism and then relate it to reality then you can deduce some quite sophisticated things. This dream captured this exact thought - "I would do anything for my mother but I fear that she is very ill. I am really powerless to prevent her death". The snake was a symbol for the illnesses which could take his mothers life. Killing the snake is symbolic of his wish to prevent this happening. But we can deduce from the real life situation that this is pointless - so the dream in fact captures his feelings of powerless. He would do anything to prevent her death but in reality he could do nothing.

•Snake threatening me dream
•A dream about wolves forcing their way in
•Dream symbolism - murdered Jesus
•Killing the sacred cow
•Monstrous old witch woman dream interpretation
•Children tortured dream
•Frozen shark dream
•Psychological analysis of a knife dream
•Family members killed off - premonition dream
•Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
•Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
•Knife Attack Nightmares
•Throw knife and kill guard - dream
•Family being torn apart.
•Deep cut and bleeding dream
•Dream - screaming at snake and knife
•Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
•Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
•Bitten by dog - dream analysis
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
•Stab my boyfriend dream interpretation
•Cicaro is murdered - dream symbolism
•Mum and Dad dream
•Betrayed and disappointed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com