Mirrors in dreams: Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that mirrors in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.
Mirror dreams
In practice mirrors have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Seeing yourself as you really are" (Dream symbols can translate into everyday phrases and feelings. Looking in a mirror could be an excellent metaphor for when you see yourself as you really are. Perhaps this occurs at a moment when you feel humiliated. Maybe you saw someone who behaved just like you and it has brought home to you how you behave)
- "Reflective"
- "Comparing" (In practice mirror dreams can link to words like "Reflective" or "Thoughtful" but they can link to other more specific words such as "Comparing". )
- "Thinking honestly" (Were you thinking in a very honest way yesterday? Have youb been thinking over how you behaved?)
- "A long hard look" (Did you take a long hard look at yourself yesterday? Do you need to be very truthful with yourself?)
- "Your appearance" (A mirror dream could be quite a literal dream symbol and may link to some thoughts about your appearance. The dream focuses on you and looking at yourself. The dream may have a simple meaning such as "I look a bit rough" or "I thought I looked quite good in my suit and tie". )
- "It could have been me!" (Has something terrible just happened? If so then you are may be transposing yourself into that situation. When something bad haappens we think how it could have been us. It helps bring to life the emotions that the people who were actually affected.)
- "Getting older" (When you look in the mirror you will notice any changes. People who are getting older are sometimes shocked by their appearance. They do not like looking at themselves. Often we do not notice little changes. A mirror dream may show that you are realising that things are changing)
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