dream analysis study

Missiles in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about a missile may simply mean that you have been facing criticism. The dream then is a simple metaphor with the "missile" been used in the way we use the word "criticism" in real life

Full list of keywords which link to "missile" dreams
In practice "missile" dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Arguments" Many dreams simply tell you about the day before - so if there was some argument then surely the dream is about that explosive situation. Did you get involved in some major disputes yesterday? Are you wanting to let off steam by telling some home truths to someone?
- "Criticism" Has someone just made a specific criticism which has altered your way of thinking? Has someone been finding fault with something you have done? Has your whole view of the world been changed by some home truth yesterday?
- "Combative personality" Are you a very intense type of person? If so the dream maybe shows your personality with all the conflict which for you is just part of your everyday life. You approach life by throwing all your energy into every situation you face.
- "Substantial opposition" Has someone reacted badly to some plan or idea? Has there been an "Explosion" of opposition? Does someone want to stop you doing something you have really set your heart upon? If so the missile is a symbol of the pressure that they are try to put you under to stop you reaching your goals.
- "Explode an idea" (Are you trying to shoot down an idea?)
- "Provocative" (Who has been very provocative and nasty? Who can test anyone's patience? ) - "Temper" (We often use the term "An explosive temper" to describe someone's ability to explode in rage. That's a very good metaphor which applies equally in dreams.)

Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance if you have been very "provocative" then the "missile" could represent the effect that this has had on the world around you. It simply means that your behaviour has caused an "explosion". Try to think of a quote which captures your feelings (in the case just mentioned it could be something like "I was really provocative in raising her dodgy past. It was not necessary and people have been thinking the worse of me". Think of a quote like that as that is probably the meaning of the dream. Your mind has simply used symbols to store a thought which is currently on your mind).

Dreams can represent very sophisticated thoughts. One dreamer in our database had an end of the world dream with her boyfriend. In it he was saying how he loved her but it was not in a very convincing way. In real life she was upset because sometimes he sent out some very mixed signals. He wasn't good at showing his affections. The end of the world dream was linked to her wish to know how he truly felt. In an end of the world situation he would be expected to be gushing with emotions telling her his undying affection for her. So the dream is about her intuition that he did not really love her. The dream probably captures this feeling exactly - "I know he tells me he loves me but I am not really convinced he means it".

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com