dream analysis study

Money in dreams : Money will link to quite abstract issues involing "Value", "Worth", "Self worth" and "Ability". Yet do not forget the money literal meanings as money represents itself and you are thinking of your own financial problems.

Full list of keywords
If you have had a "Cash" or "Money" dream then we can guess that certain words and phrases are appearing in your thoughts right now. Look at the list below and see which of these words has relevance in your thinking right now.
- "Appreciate" (Money is associated with value and with that its associated with wider concepts such as "Feeling valued" and "Appreciated". So a money dream may be triggered by thoughts like "He does not value me" or more complex thoughts like "I wish he would show some appreciation")
- "Valuable" "Not valuable" (Dreams take a step sideways and deal with themes which are similar. Money can link to thoughts involving "Valuable" and "Not valuable" or "Worth doing" or "Not worth doing". How would you use these phrases right now? Did you make such judgements yesterday? Was something "Not worth doing"?)
- "Effort" (Have you decided to put in some extra effort? Do you realise how much effort you will have to put in to do something?)
- "Real life financial problems" (Money might just be a literal symbol linking to actual money problems or decisions involving money. Always consider these literal meanings.)
- "Self worth" (People are paid with money because they are "Worth it". Money dreams can link to wider questions and especially the opposite "Lack of self worth".)
- "Abilities" (People are paid according to ability. A "Money" dream may link to thought processes like "I feel so confident - I am able to do it" or "You have got to give him credit he is very able")
- "Dodgy people" "It's always about money"(When money is involved then it can always get nasty. A "Money" dream may link to thought processes like "They are so dodgy" or "It's all about money". So the "Money" dream may simply be a way of expressing such thoughts.)

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com