Mothers in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Mother" dream may simply translate into the word "Welcoming" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "They made me feel very much at home yesterday. It was a very friendly and warm welcoming. In that way your dream picks out one features of mothers - that they make a home warm and welcoming.
Keywords linked to mother dreams here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to mother dreams. Try to think which of these are relevant in your life right now. If you can think of anything then your dream may simply tap into that theme within your life at the moment.
- "Support" (Did you recognise someone's need for support yesterday? If yes then the dream portrays the mother inside you.)
- "Concern" (Did you show concern for someone yesterday? A mother dream maybe your minds way of expressing this concern as you are taking on the role as mother.)
- "Homely" (Was someone welcoming yesterday? Were you struck by a warm and welcoming atmosphere? If so you have recognised this homely atmosphere.)
- "Reassuring" (Were you in need of reassuring. If so then the your mother dream could symbolise your need for motherly type qualities in settling you down)
- "Worried" (Mothers are famed for their worrying. How did such a quality feature in your life yesterday? Did you worry about something? Were others worried? Your dream will represent some key thought concerning this worry. For instance you may believe that someone is worrying too much and perhaps just fussing. Maybe you think that there is a need for people to worry and many are ignoring the problems? You maybe touched by someone's worrying or you are trying to show your concern for others. Any key feeling like this could generate your mother dream)
- "Sensible" (Have you been trying to be very sensible and think very responsibly? If so the "Mother" in you in trying to dominate your decision making)
- "Closure" (Do you need to get closure to something? Is an issue constantly troubling you or someone close to you?)
- "Feeling sorry for yourself" (Have you been feeling sorry for yourself? If so then the dream shows your need to be mothered and made to feel special and loved in your time of need)
- "Sympathy" (Did sympathy feature in your thoughts yesterday? If so the dream of a mother maybe portrays that sympathy. The dream might portray and link to some key thought concerning this sympathy such as "He needs to show sympathy", "I should show more sympathy" or even "Sympathy is a good quality and shows a person of quality")
- "Empathy" (Trying to understand someone and see things from their point of view is very much a quality of a good mother. Did you empathize with someone? Did you need to show more understanding?)
- "A mothers perspective" (A mother dream may indicate you have been thinking about some random issue from a mothers perspective. Have you been thinking through some political issue from a mothers point of view? Did something shock you and make you think of the "Mothers perspective?" for instance maybe you saw a film on gangs and thought of the effects on people and society and worried about the effects on the youth of today. In such a case you were thinking about things from a mothers perspective and your dream portrays these feelings from a mothers point of view)
Understanding with someone yesterday? Do you feel people do not understand the pressure or emotional problems you are facing right now? If so then the dream pinpoints this need for understanding)
- "Help" (Mothers in dreams can be your minds way of saying "I need help")
- "Your own mother" (Have you been thinking about your own mother? Have you been thinking about how good or bad the relationship with your mother is?)
Huge waves drowning - dream analysis
Saving parents dream
Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
Mother lion dream
Psychic dream of grandmothers illness
Cannot see properly - dream symbolism
Dream about getting started.
Dying in a tornado dream
Dream interpretation - jeep on highway
Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
Wolf Friend dream analysis
Sears Tower dream
Misheard woman - dream analysis
Getting married in pink - dream symbolism
Mother not look after kids - dream analysis
Tornado Dream
Favourite Aunt dream and church
A loving mother - dream analysis
Seeing a tsunami dream
My mother says he likes children - dream interpretation
Horses stampede - dream interpretation
Mother shakes off snake - dream interpretation
Surprised to see my mother dream interpretation
Dream - Father abuses niece
tornados and numbers dream
Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
Dream symbolism - intimidating man
Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Mother warning - dream analysis
Orphan creature has died - dream analysis
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
Great skill and ability dream
Mother asks for help - dream analysis
My mommy dream and its dream interpretation
Spiders eggs and birds nest - dream interpretation
Father saying something is wrong - premonition dream
My mother is dying dream interpretation
Monstrous old witch woman dream interpretation
Unknown man at grandmas home - dream interpretation
London dream
Dream about guillotine
Dream about buying alcohol.
Grandmother falls - dream analysis
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Dream symbols - pet dog barking
Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
Haunted by co-workers mother dream interpretation
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Psychic dream - mother calls name
Surrounded by black mist - dream analysis
Mom grabs snake - dream interpretation
A dream about a friend who turns nasty
Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
Frozen shark dream
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
World War Three - dream analysis
Tsunami in dream
Terrible Nightmare
Tornado warning dream
Ghost in Haunted Apartment
A dream interpretation about an orca being thrown on shore
Protecting you
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Rats,worms,flies and maggots
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Job application and seamstress dream analysis
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Dream symbols - romantic interest
Rescue a seal dream
Rat And Dragon dream
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Your place in history dream
Death comes to kill me dream
Scream or help - dream analysis
Naked dream and people laugh
Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
A huge monster truck dream interpretation
shopping money and friends dream
Show male friend to mother - dream analysis
my son crying in an asylum
Guy goes gun crazy dream
Dream analysis - killing at Harvard
My boyfriend is cheating on me
Woke up screaming and crying. help!
Icy path - dream interpretation
Woman asks at my moms funeral - dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - homeless
Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
Crying because grandma dying - dream analysis
Fighting mothers
Dream interpretation - mother and father in ambulance
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
Executed in back of head dream
Mother drowning saved - dream interpretation
Assaulting mother in law dream
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
Shark attack - dream interpretation
Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
Werewolf Love Story dream
Multiple dreams- people dying
Purple nail polish dream
Future with boyfriend dream!
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Looking Back dream
Journal or Diaries being sold
Evil spirit takes over my body dream
Hairdresser - dream interpretation
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Commit suicide dream
Comforting house dream!
Dream - champagne supernova
Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
Moving dream
Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
Bury ex - dream interpretation
Feeling marginalised - dream dictionary
Bleeding nightmare
Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
First alien dream
Mum and Dad dream
Boyfriend begging - dream analysis
Grandfather dies - dream interpretation
A dream with deceased family members
Brother dream
Repressed memory
Demand expenses - dream interpretation
Huge thrashing shark dream
Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting
Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation
Neglecting dream
My boyfriend died - dream analysis
Lead army - dream analysis
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
A nice hot bath
Torture/running/trapped dream
Old friends dream
My deceased mother
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at