Keywords linked to mountain dreams here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to mountain dreams. Try to think which of these are relevant in your life right now. If you can think of anything then your dream may simply tap into that theme within your life at the moment.
- "Huge challenge" "Enormous workload"(We use mountains in obvious ways such as "He has a huge mountain" to climb to describe a huge challenge)
- "Your ability to handle a task" (Were you thinking through how well or badly you can do something yesterday? Did you think "I can handle difficult questions with ease" or "I am scared that I cannot cope with what I am expected to do." climbing a mountain with ease could express your ability to cope whilst a huge mountain which seems too much shows that you fear you cannot cope)
- "Long struggle" (Have you been thinking how something was a long struggle)
- "Health problem" (Have you been thinking how some health problem is too big to overcome)
- "The hardest part" (Think of key thoughts which a mountain could portray "The hardest part" e.g. "Now we are facing the hardest part of the break up", or "Can I tackle this hardest part of the changeover")
- "Get away from it all" (Do you want to get away from it all? )
- "Tranquillity" (Were you stressed out yesterday? Do you want to escape from it all? Have you just felt a feeling of tranquillity?)
- "Cutting yourself off" (Have you been trying to cut yourself from the world? Are you wanting to concentrate on something and cut off the outside world?)
Dream symbols - uphill bus on the moors
Two tribes go to war dream
Protected by SAS - dream
Crashing down a huge hill dream
Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
Car crash premonitions
Dream about losing books.
Dying in a tornado dream
Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
Danger from wolves - dream analysis
Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Earthquake Dream
Traverse a huge bridge with steep fall - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - dark ravine
Dream - panther pregnant
Dream - steep steps
Castle dream of Carl Jung - dream symbolism
Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Jumping off a hill dream
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
Chased by wolves dream
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Vampire dream
Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
Tsunami in dream
Tornado warning dream
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Dream analysis - children enjoying island
Surviving like SAS dream
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
Pain and crying climbing mountain dream interpretation
Husband is being extremely mean
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
Athletic climb - dream interpretation
Dream - the wilderness with evil women and prince
Sunny and warm stream - dream analysis
A trawler and plane crash - dream interpretation
Narrow steep mountain road - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - out of control
Fulfilling contract dream
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Forest dies dream
Dream - new route not so steep
Judge and jury and blood dream
Horse dies dream
The way of the Lord dream
Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck
Learning from others
Dream interpretation – killing aliens
Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
Harry potter and devil dream
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at