dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that dreams which featured the word "Nazi" in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)

- "That woman is a BULLY and SOMEONE HAS TO STAND UP TO HER." (Nazi's were bullies)

- "I have a really WARPED PERSONALITY and my future will still be tainted by strange beliefs and thoughts." (Nazi's had warped beliefs)

Nazi's in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Nazi" dream may simply translate into a word like "Bully" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I should stand up to him because he is a bully". In that way your dream may link to some key feeling which pinpoint your exact feelings. We often think that dreams so irrelevant and bizarre yet they may represent the kind of thoughts that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Its just a matter of understanding the dream symbolism.

Keywords linked to Nazi dreams
In practice Nazi dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Bully" (Did you witness someone bullying someone totally innocent yesterday? Do you fear being picked on? Is someone a total dictator who likes to boss everyone around)
- "Twisted thinking" (Has someone developed some ridiculously strict rules? Have you been thinking about someone who has some warped ways of thinking? Have you started to think in a warped way?)

Dreams use symbols such as Nazi just in the same sophisticated way as we use language. Do not look for simplistic definitions such as Nazi dreams mean you have been behaving like a dictator. A dream could be putting across a very complex meaning such as "I hate to think I am coming across as a dictator. I keep trying to hold back the bully in me". Thinking up a quote like this after having analysed the symbols will help you think up quotes which you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend.

Remember that dreams are very much in the here and now because most dreams link to the brain processes which transfer short term memories into long term memories. So just jot down some thoughts in the form of quotations. The meaning of a dream will link to the exact and very specific meaning of your dream.

•Nazi Germany dream analysis
•A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com