dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "nervous" dreams linked to these feelings

- "I hate meeting people who I don't know. It is a real PHOBIA. Going to that club was a big mistake."

- "I get NERVOUS when I meet new people. Though just recently I seem to be getting a bit better."

- "I know my boyfriend does not like my interest in Terry Gilliam so I try to HIDE my interest in him."

- "I am having some real BAD LUCK. Things are just not going my way and this last month has been awful."

- "People think I am just using the community centre for my own reasons. I keep trying to HIDE what I am doing. I am becoming very SECRETIVE."

- "I am still SUFFERING FROM ANXIETY due to being raped. I am still getting FLASHBACKS."

- "I am looking for a job and get NERVOUS going for interviews. I am LACKING IN CONFIDENCE."

- "I still suffer from LACK OF CONFIDENCE and get anxious meeting people who intimidate me."

- "I have just retired and want to meet new people but I feel INTIMIDATED in social situations."

- "My friend got involved in a very heated discussion. I just don't want to be DRAWN INTO this VOLATILE situation. She might turn her anger on me."

- "I am at a crossroads and wonder if I am making a mistake carrying on with my relationship."

- "I wonder if I should continue with my boyfriend because we have such a CRAZY RELATIONSHIP with lots of manic ups and downs."

Nervous in dreams : Nervous in dreams tends to link to real reasons why you are nervous in life. For example, you can be nervous because you are having to make a big decision. Look through the list below to which word or phrase links to your nervous dreams.

Suits in dreams
- "Big decision" (You can be nervous because you have a big decision to make)
- "Under pressure" (Are you under pressure? Are people watching your performance and ready to pounce on you if you make a mistake?)
- "Worried" (What are you about? What were you worried about yesterday?)
- "Volatile situation" (Is some situation highly volatile right now? Are you nervous beause of that?)
- "Found out" (Does someone know too much? Are you feeling guilty about something?)
- "Aware of consequences" (Are you having to remind yourself of the consequences of something.)
- "Unprepared" "Not ready"(Do you feel unprepared for something? Are you just not ready for something)
- "Feeling awkward" (Does someone make you feel awkward?)
- "Risks" (Are you unsure about taking a risk? Do you need to be more aware of the risks involved in something)

Dreams capture our thought processes or feelings so try to translate a dream into a quote like those below. Try to see how a "Nervous dream" links symbolically with these quotes.

- "I know its a big decision"
- "I have to get this right because its very important"
- "I am worried that she may react"
- "Its a very volatile situation"
- "I need to know people are supporting and encouraging me"
- "I am scared of being found out"
- "He knows too much. I will be found out"
- "I cannot do that because I am aware of the consequences"
- "I feel under pressure to get it right"
- "I know they are watching me so I cannot make any mistakes"
- "I am not sure I am ready yet"
- "I would feel awkward doing that"
- "If it did happen I just feel it would end in failure"
- "Its difficult to talk about such things"
- "I am unsure if I want to take the risk"
- "I need to be more aware of the risks"

•Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
•Top floor dream
•Dream symbolism - police search
•Skyscraper - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - wanting to scream
•Nervous about porn shop - dream interpretation
•Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
• Basement and sewer dream symbols
•Job application and seamstress dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - Christmas
•Dream - exploring building
•Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
•Shark threatening - dream interpretation
•Chip shop and art teacher - dream interpretation
•Mum and Dad dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com