dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "nice" dreams linked to these feelings

- "The builders LOOKED RESPECTABLE but they have taken advantage of me at every opportunity."
- "I want my son to grow up with GOOD VALUES but right now he has got in with the wrong crowd."
- "They want me to do so much on the website but I am CONTENT with a small site."
- "I am sick of the anti social behaviour. They let their dog poop anywhere. I want this to be a nice area."
- "I had a GOOD FRIENDSHIP with her but I also had sexual feelings which keep making life difficult."
- "I am starting to snap out of depression. I feel a bit HAPPIER."
- "I was quite CONTENT at my friends until someone I don't know turned up. I suffer from social phobias and don't like meeting new people."
- "I don't like the staff in my care home checking up on me. I don't like being intruded upon. I just want to be QUIET AND HAPPY on my own."
- "I miss my FRIEND as she is on holiday in Australia."
- "I do not want my grandfather to see me in GOOD CLOTHES as I borrowed some money off him. I want to appear poor and grateful."
- "I was quite HAPPY with my project but my tutor wanted me to do it again but better."
- "Spiritual people SEEM OK but they accept new ideas without question."
- "I gave her a lot of special attention because she was not looking as attractive. I wanted her to FEEL GOOD about herself."
- "I have mental health problems but just recently I have been FEELING MORE SETTLED."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of the next day when I was offered a NICE APARTMENT."
- "I have been having some very sexual fantasies about an ATTRACTIVE woman I know."
- "I keep telling myself that I am HAPPY on my own but that's not true. I am very depressed."
- "I really miss the group of FRIENDS - now I am descending into depression."
- "My health is not so bad at the moment but it could spiral out of control."
- "I LIKE the local people where I am now living."
- "I have just moved into a new home. I am not FEELING AT HOME just yet."
- "I have just broken up with my boyfriend and my FRIENDS ARE TRYING TO SUPPORT ME."
- "I am an artist and am trying to pursue work which makes me HAPPY and FULFILLED."
- "I am organising a Thanksgiving day meal for the homeless. I want everything to be JUST RIGHT."
- "I just want things to GO BACK TO HOW THEY USED TO BE."
- " I should be telling him how I feel about him rather than just letting things happen. I need to grasp opportunities."

"Nice" in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "nice" dream may simply translate into a phrase like "making do" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I am getting used to being on my own all the time. I am making do simply accepting things as the way they are." Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this.

Keywords linked to "nice" dreams
In practice "nice" in dreams has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Unable to decide about something" (Was someone being nice to you yesterday but you were not really sure if it was genuine? Do you feel as if someone is giving people mixed messages? Was someone being nice to you but you believe it was false? Does someone get away with things and you just accept bad treatment yet really know you are being abused?)
- "I don't know whether it's good or bad" (Are you in two minds about something? Is something nice on the surface but not so good when you think about it? Are you feeling settled but yet you know there are deep problems bubbling up beneath the surface?)
- "Wanting something just right" (Are you a bit of a perfectionist wanting things just exactly right? Have you been trying to get something just right? Have you got higher standards than others around you and wish they were just like you? Are your neighbours the wrong kind of people? Has someone fallen in with the wrong kind of people? Have you been thinking about how you can make things better?)
- "Wanting someone to be nice to you" (Are you feeling unloved and want some attention? Was someone really being nice to you yesterday? Do you miss someone who was always very special to you? )
- "Really good" (Did you wake up elated and really happy with how things are going? Did things go especially well yesterday? If so then your dream is about the wish for more of the same.)
- "Making do" (Are you starting to accept things as they are? Have you been thinking about someone who treated you badly but you still have feelings for them? Have you been thinking about the good times in a mostly negative relationship? Has your health been deteriorating without you realising it? Are you very down with the way things are going leaving you wishing things were how they used to be? Are you more settled after a really stressful period? Are you starting to realise that you have made a mistake and that you will have to live with it?)
- "Thinking about the good old days" (Are you in a very reflective mood at the moment? Have things changed for the worst? Is a good friendship or relationship undergoing changes for the worst? Are you remembering the good times whilst things seem to be changing for the worse? Do you not understand why a relationship has deteriorated)
- "I think this was a premonition of good times to come" (Did you get some good news by surprise on the day of the dream? Did things turn out for the better the day after of the dream? Dreams which come true are often simply about good happy thoughts and events on the next day)
- "Wanting to compliment someone" (Did you feel the need to compliment someone yesterday? Were you trying to be nice to someone who you felt needed a bit of support?)
- "Something has upset your usual routine" (Did someone turn up unexpectedly who made you feel unsettled and nervous? Was something different yesterday which made you feel unsettled in a situation which normally you thrive in?)

Dreams are in the here and now which means that any analysis is made much more easier. Many people make the mistake of trying to link a dream to something in the long and distant past. So any analysis inevitably links a dream to something vague and deep in the past and too general to have any meaning. In this case a dream where there is something "nice" simply can translate into a phrase like "I want things just right". Always try to translate a dreams meaning into a quote about something very specific. For instance, in the case of the example just given the meaning could link to a thought like "I always try to get things just right. She is special to me and I want things to be just as perfect as possible." Dreams can be about issues regarding your personality but they will be about your personality habits in the context of the present.

•Dream about red neck's taking over nice home
•A nice warm bed - dream analysis
•President Bush dream
•Dream about people intruding
•Misheard woman - dream analysis
•Dream - Businessmen
•Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
•Dream symbolism - gang rape
•Glowing white celestial clothes - dream analysis
•Not sexy dream analysis
•Welcoming fire - dream analysis
•Impressive apartment dream - psychic premonitions
•Sisters loft - dream analysis
• Dream - creepy invisible demon
•Homely fire dream
•Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
•Flying down river - dream interpretation
•Crocodile bites me dream
•A dream about an emotional day from the day before
•Sex with several men - dream analysis
•Psychological analysis of a homeless dream
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Protecting you
•Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
•Folding blankets - dream symbolism
•Dream symbols - bland Thanksgivings meal
•Police and riots - dream symbolism
•Purple nail polish dream
•Feeling threatened - dream
•Older brother dream
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
•Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
•Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
•Harry potter and devil dream
•Dream - casual clothes and party
•A nice hot bath
•Sea waves and sound files - dream interpretation
•My deceased mother

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com