Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Orders" dreams linked to these feelings. Each quote captues the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Try to see how the quote links to the symbolic meaning in the dream. Full analyses to these dreams is placed at the bottom of this page.
- "I have a new friend who is spontaneous and adventurous. I am usually quite STIFF AND FORMAL." (people who follow orders are usually more formal)
- "My girlfriend has just cut me off. She is IN CHARGE so there is nothing I can do about it."
- "I am looking for a job so I am trying to emphasize what a GOOD EMPLOYEE I would be." (good employees follow orders)
"Orders" in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream with "orders" in it may simply translate into a phrase like "a need for spontaneity" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I need to be like my new friend and be more spontaneous and adventurous". Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Once you can think of a quote like this you start to really touch on the heart of a dreams meaning. In this case the dream hints at the qualities of a soldier who always follows orders.
Keywords linked to "orders" in dreams
In practice "orders" in dreams has several symbolic meanings. Here is the list at present. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "command" Was someone very direct with you and insisted that you did something? Has someone suddenly taken a new direction and is giving you no choice? Have you decided that you want something to happen?
- "Disciplined" Are you used to doing as a you are told? Do you tend to do as you are told? Are you wanting to please people who are in charge? Do you need to take more notice of what your boss tells you to do?
- "A need for spontaneity" Do you want to be more adventurous? Are you sick of following the crowd?
Dreams are in the here and now which means that any analysis is made much more easier. Many people make the mistake of trying to link a dream to something in the long and distant past. So any analysis inevitably links a dream to something vague and deep in the past and too general to have any real meaning. In this case a dream where there is "orders" can simply translate into a word like "disciplined". Always try to translate a dreams meaning into a quote about something very specific in the here and now. For instance, in the case of the example just given the meaning could link to a thought like "I need to be more disciplined as I need to find a job. I have to become the sort of person who a boss wants to employ". So the dreamer needs to become more like a soldier and follow orders down to the letter.
What immediately comes to mind will usually give you the answer to your dreams meaning. Dreams are in the here and now because they are part of the process whereby we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term into long term memory. Simply look for associations with the symbols in your dream and think of what comes into your mind. When you make a connection look for other associations which will help you understand how your mind stores intuitive thoughts.
Best friend and adventures
In wheelchair and cold bath - dream interpreting
Job application and seamstress dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at