dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "overwhelmed" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)

- "I am due to start work in a nursery but I have so LITTLE KNOWLEDGE AND AM LACKING IN THE ABILITIES NEEDED."

- "I am a bit OVERWHELMED with major life STRESS."

- "I am on a course to recover from drug addiction. Overall I am FEELING PRETTY USELESS right now."

- "I had a bit of a CRISIS YESTERDAY as I had to make someone go to the doctors. It was obvious that he was having aheart attack."

- "I have been OVERCOME WITH ENTHUSIASM and I am being a lot better behaved and enjoying life just recently."

- "I believe the dream was a premonition of my sister in law contacting me about some CRISIS she had and wanting to borrow money."

- "I keep trying to teach my kids but it is all SO COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN."

Research into feelings of overwhelmed in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance an "overwhelmed" dream can translate into the word "crisis". Then if you felt "It was a major CRISIS yesterday. I did not know what to do" then the dream could link to that thought.

Key words linked to the symbolism of overwhelmed in dreams?
- "Crisis" Was there a major crisis yesterday? Was someone clearly overwhelmed by what happened?
- "Lacking ability" Are you feeling daunted by some task which you do not feel you have the abilities and knowledge for? Is something a bit too difficult and complicated to explain? Are you having difficulty proving yourself?
- "Feeling useless" Have you got a poor self image right now? Do you wish for something to make you feel proud about yourself? Do other people think of you in a negative way?
- "Elated" Were you overwhelmed with positive feelings yesterday? Are you in a much better mood generally? Did you meet someone who was bubbling with enthusiasm yesterday?

Dreams will often repeat a key emotion from the day before but the story in the dream may seem totally unrelated to real life. Look for how the word overwhelmed seems relevant from the day before? Was someone overwhelmed because of a crisis? Are you generally overwhelmed by life? If you can think of something from the day before then it is likely that the dream is about that issue. So see how the theme of being overwhelmed seems relevant to you right now.

•Dream interpretation - neglected babies
•Ocean, cliff, boat
•Party at my expense
•Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
•Daughters dolphin dream interpretation
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Dream - new route not so steep

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com