Using psychology we find that "panic" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings. Each quote represents the thought or feeling which triggered the dream. Full dream analyses feature in the links at the bottom of this page
- "I was at a bridal shower and we were discussing all the THINGS THAT COULD GO WRONG at a wedding." (Thinking the worst possible scenario)
- "My father has just died which has left very UNSETTLED." (think of ways in which you have been unsettled and it may result in a panic dream)
- "I do not really like ADAPTING TO CHANGE. I do not like moving on in life."(a panic dream triggered by change in life)
- "I am being PRESSURED into a forced marriage." (If you are being forced into doing somene that you do not ant to do then that makes you panic)
- "I seem to be COPING WELL and not so badly affected by phobias of meeting people."(Dreams feature thoughts which are prominent in real life. If you are not panicking in situation s where you normally feel panic then this may trigger a panic dream. The story in the dream will give hints to this strange meaning)
- "In real life a boy was murdered near to where I live. It has left me FEELING TERRIFIED." (Have you got something real to panic about in real life. The story in the dream may seem unrelated to real life yet it will deal with feelings of panic that are on your mind)
- "I got into a ridiculous argument where with my boyfriend where we were yelling at the top of our voices. It left me feeling SCARED." (If something scared you yesterday then it may trigger a panic dream. The story in the dream may seem unrelated yet dreams deal with similar emotions that you feel in real life but they use a story which seems strange and unconnected)
- "Last night I was thinking about the lies that I caught my husband in. It has left me feeling very unsettled." (The dream pinpoints a key feeling of being unsettled)
- "My granddads wife has just passed away and I was secretly hoping that she might have left me some money. I have been FEELING GUILTY about it."
- "I am attending a group program to recover from drug addiction and at the moment I am feeling OVERWHELMED." (Dream use symbols like panic to express associated feelings such as "feeling overwhelmed")
- "I have agreed to meet my ex boyfriend and have not told my current boyfriend. It is a VERY RISKY thing to do."
- "I have FOUND OUT that my mother is going to move to Japan and has not even told me. I feel a total LACK OF CONTROL over the situation."
- "Last night before I fell asleep SENSING SOMETHING BAD in the room."
- "I was very NERVOUS about the day to come wondering what could go wrong."
- "My two roommates have just told me that they are moving out so I will have to find somewhere new to live. It has left me feeling UNSETTLED."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of a miscarriage two weeks later(I did not even know I was pregnant at the time)."
- "I was visiting man yesterday and he started having a heart attack. It took me ages to make him go to the doctors. I could not get through to him that it was an EMERGENCY and he had to ACT FAST."
- "I have just moved to a new city and I am VERY STRESSED out."
- "I believe this dream was a PREMONITION of the 9-11 attacks."
- "I am a social worker and I often STRESS OUT about the RESPONSIBILITIES I HAVE FOR VULNERABLE CHILDREN."
- "I am under threat of eviction because of my DEBT WORRIES."
- "I have just split up with my fiance because he is verbally abusive, possessive and jealous. I am feeling OVERWHELMED."
Panic in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Panic" dream may simply translate into a word like "Overwhelmed" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I should have gone there yesterday as I was very overwhelmed". In that way your dream may link to some key feeling which pinpoint your exact feelings. We often think that dreams so irrelevant and bizarre yet they may represent the kind of thoughts that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Its just a matter of understanding the dream symbolism.
Keywords linked to panic dreams
In practice panic dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Overwhelmed" (If you are panic its often because you are overwhelmed. So any situation from yesterday may trigger a panic dream if you felt completely overwhelmed. Do you worry about the day to come being overwhelming? If that is the case then your worry is spilling over into your dreams)
- "Unsettled" (Often if you are very unsettled then it can cause you to panic. Is the situation at work unsettling? Are you unsettled generally?)
- "Disruption" (You would worry if things get disrupted wouldn't you! So a panic dream could link back to your worries about this disruption. Your mind is focusing on this disruption and anticipating the worst. Its saying that you should be panicking!)
- "Worry" (Panic may simply be your mind way of saying "I am very worried about this")
- "Big day tomorrow" (Is tomorrow a big day? Can things go badly wrong tomorrow? A panic dream may simply capture your nerves as you think about this big day.)
- "Unprepared" (Have you realised that you are very unprepared for something? )
- "Lack of control over situation" (Do you feel a lack of control in some situation? That whatever you do you cannot change something? That you desperately want some outcome but have no way of making sure things turn out ok)
- "Not knowing what to do" (Not knowing what to do causes panic. So if you did not know what to do yesterday then that could cause a panic dream)
- "Unable to act" (Is something preventing you from acting a certain way? Can you do nothing despite your wish to prevent something?)
- "A testing moment" (Did you have a difficult moment yesterday? Was there a crucial moment which you found very testing?)
- "Lacking ability" (Do you simply lack the ability to do something? Do you feel people want you to do something yet you do not have the ability to fulfil this? Surely such a situation would make you panic. Maybe that's the root cause of your panic dream.)
- "Pounce on a mistake" (If things can go easily wrong then we start to panic. In practice panic dreams can be caused by someone waiting ready to pounce on a mistake. Do you feel someone is ready to judge you harshly? )
- "No room for error" (In some situations you either succeed or fail. There is not much in between ground. In such cases the panic may link to your nerves at the outcome. You know that there is no room for error. )
- "Cannot cope"
Wedding dress stain - dreams symbolism
A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
Dream interpretation - panic whilst cross bridge
Dream about losing books.
Ballet school - dream analysis
Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
In London without parents - dream analysis
A horrifying cat dream
Earthquake Dream
Husband cheating dream
Ghost of dead grandmother dream interpretation
Teeth falling out - dream analysis
Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
World War Three - dream analysis
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
premonition or coincidence?
Scream or help - dream analysis
Dream - daughter causing me grief
Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - mother and father in ambulance
Dream dictionary - worried about boy
Dream - Bomb goes off
Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
Shark attack - dream interpretation
Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
Fish trying to communicate dream
Good nightmares and werewolf
Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
Bury ex - dream interpretation
Mum and Dad dream
Dream of a secret place
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at