dream analysis study

Studies of dreams have shown that parachute dreams have occurred at times when the dreamer has been thinking ending a relationship
Parachutes in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a dream about a parachute may capture a specific feeling from yesterday such as "If something goes wrong I will not have much time to put things right".

Full list of keywords
In practice parachutes have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "An escape plan" (A parachute is a means of escape often from a plane in difficulty. It could represent any situation where you are trying to escape with as little trouble as possible. In plain english it translates into any escape plan or exit strategy. What is in danger of crashing and burning? Have you been thinking of a way out of any difficult relationship or situation?)
- "Fun and excitement" (Parachuting is an extreme sport and can link to any other extreme sport. It will probably just capture your mood - sometimes we wake up with the mind of skater (We are suddenly more daredevil than usual))
- "Wanting a trouble free breakup" (Parachutes can signify an exit strategy and one situation where this is particularly relevant is in a break up of a relationship. Have you been thinking that now is the time to act? That you need to think of the best way to close the relationship? That you are maybe worried about the other half's reaction?)
- "A safe landing" (How are you wanting a safe landing? Have you been doing something very precarious and your hoping for a good outcome?)
- "Having little time to put things right" (A parachute can symbolise any issue where you have very little time to react if anything goes wrong. )

Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance if you have been thinking about a relationship you want out of then a parachute confirms your wish to get out. Maybe you are worried about how he or she will take it? Emotionally you are looking for a safe landing.
dreams can represent very sophisticated thoughts. One dream in our database took place in an adventure park and the dreamer was skydiving. Just recently he had been wanting to hook up with some friends but it had been difficult. The adventure park was symbolic of his wish to enjoy himself and the parachute was maybe symbolic of a wish for extreme excitement. Once you have made a connection like this try to write down some quote which captures your current thinking on this. In this case the dreamer was frustrated because of the difficulties getting in the way of his plans to have fun. If we translate the dream we find it probably just means that - the dream captures this exact thought "I really wish I could have fun and a good time with my friends. But just lately its not been possible".

•grabbing hold of a parachute
•Parachute opened - dream analysis
•Parachute jumping dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com