dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that REAL "Party" dreams link to the following real feelings

- "I avoided someone who is REALLY SOCIABLE AND OUTGOING yesterday. I am very ill and don't want to be around someone so good with people" (avoiding a party type person)

- "My illness is getting worse daily. But I am coming t terms with the need to sort these problems out." (a more relaxed attitude - like at a party)

- "I was GETTING ALONG WITH HIM but then I found that he has had sex with other men."(crazy and unexpected things happen at parties?)

- "I am constantly wondering if I should move in with my boyfriend. I don not want to make any HASTY decisions."

- "I have just opened up and TALKED HONESTLY to my boyfriend." (we say things at parties that we would never normally say)

- "I had a REALLY FANTASTIC TIME at my energy session. "(It was a REAL BUZZ.)

- "I really dislike FAMILY GATHERINGS and SPECIAL OCCASIONS. I am getting worse since my health has started to get worse."

- "I have wondering what to say to a guy I am interested in. I want to talk about sex but I am not sure about that." (you say things at parties that you would not normally say)

- "I really am phobic of situations where I have to TALK SOCIABLY. I am getting worse as my health gets worse."

- "My friend read my journal and it has caused a lot of problems." (honst talk - like at parties when things can get out of hand)

Dreams are often simply linked to your prevailing mood. If you feel sociable at the time of the dream then your dreams take you to places where you might satisfy that need to socialise
Parties in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Party" dream may simply translate into words such as "Feeling sociable" and the dream captures the feeling that "I was in a very talkative and sociable mood yesterday". In that way the dream links in with one of the key characteristics of parties in that we make special efforts to be sociable.

Full list of keywords
- "Feeling sociable" (Did you get along with someone very well yesterday? Were you very sociable yesterday?)
- "Euphoric" (Did you feel euphoric yesterday? Did you wake up feeling euphoric?)
- "Expressing views in a fun way" (Have you been trying to write a speech or talk in a fun way? Have you tried to improve your expression so people will listen to you more?)
- "Social phobias" (Do you find social situations very difficult? Do you suffer from social phobias? Were you especially nervous talking to someone yesterday?)
- "Tired" (Did you feel tired or not in the mood for socialising yesterday? Has something stopped you relaxing properly?)
- "Opening up" (Did you talk about things which you would not normally talk about yesterday? We often associate parties with opening up and talking openly. Its probably got a lot to do with the drinking linked to parties.)
- "Having fun or crossing the line" (In sociable situations we sometimes go too far. Do you think that people were making fun of you yesterday? Did some funny comment cross a line? Did you worry that a funny remark was misinterpreted as insulting by someone? Humour constantly tries to push boundaries and its difficult to do this whilst not offending people.)

dreams are linked to your fantasies. A party dream may express unfulfilled desires. Inside you you are feeling all sociable yet you have no outlet for this. Try not to think of these dreams as being negative and sad. Any unfulfilled eagerness and enthusiasm will be played out in a dream. Your dream may simply mean that you want to get together with friends yet its not been possible. Of course there are many meanings to party dreams.

•Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
•Dream - assessment by police and homeless officer
•Gang raping my daughter
•A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
•Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
•Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
•Sunny and warm stream - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - Christmas
•Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
•Police and riots - dream symbolism
•Chased by a shark dream
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•No groom at wedding - dream analysis
•Dilapidated house dream
•Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
•Mum and Dad dream
•Dream - casual clothes and party
•Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com