dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "phones" in our dream database link to the following real feelings

- "I have been going through a lot of emotional turmoil recently but thankfully I have had GOOD SUPPORT off my partner."

- "I have just got my first ever mobile phone."

- "I was annoyed because I gave so much help to a customer but they ended up stealing a laptop."

- "I was wondering how I would tell a man I have been dating about my feelings for another man."

- "I was on the phone last night to a man from the church and I didn't like what he said."

- "I am having a TURBULENT TIEM with my boyfriend right now."

- "I am CONFUSED about how my boyfriend thinks of me. I am looking for a COMMITMENT from him."

- "I do not like my boyfriends family and I find it difficult to talk to him about them."

- "I have been hiding from the world for a few days. I am getting very ISOLATED."

- "I like this guy I know but he has totally given up talking to me."

- "I was chatting with my boyfriend last night and we ironed out some issues. I fear that I may lose her."

- "My son has moved back in. I have laid down some groundrules as I don't want him taking advantage ."

- "I constantly worry about my boyfriend as he has cheated on me in the past."

Phone dreams will usually be about some problem with communication - you are wanting to say something or something is not being said
Phones in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Phone" dream may simply translate into the word "Sensing" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I sensed that something was wrong yesterday as he was behaving oddly".

Keywords linked to phone dreams
In practice phone have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down some quotes which featuring some of the words listed here, which also capture your feelings right now e.g. "He has been sending out some mixed signals".
- "What is he thinking?" (Have you been wondering how someone is thinking? The phone may simply be your minds way of saying "What exactly is he thinking?")
- "Sensing" (Have you sensed something wrong in someone close to you? Have they been acting strangely? We communicate not just with words but in the tone of voice and other kinds of body language. Reading such signs is important and dreams may link to our attempts to read someone's body language. This process is very much an art rather than a science. Trying to sense how someone is thinking by reading body language is not easy and is very much guesswork. However, its a very valuable and essential part of human behaviour)
- "Missing someone" (Many phone dreams are simply triggered by you missing an ex girlfriend /boyfriend. The dream maybe linked with some regrets. But mainly the dream captures your feelings of loss. It probably also hints that you are not yet ready for another relationship as you are still stuck in the past)
- "Telling someone exactly what you think of them" (Sometimes we want to tell people exactly what we think of them. When a relationship has broken up you want to tell the person exactly what you think of them. That person is not there and may actually be avoiding you in life. So a phone dream allows you to express you true feelings)
- "Mixed signals" (We devote much energy in trying to read peoples true feelings. Often people send out mixed signals so a phone dream can link to your confusion about someone's mixed signals. A phone dream could also show your desire to clarify your own feelings to someone (You do not want to send out mixed signals))
- "Explain your feelings" (Are you wanting to clarify how you think? Do you feel the need to tell someone why you did something? If so then your dream explores that urge to explain yourself. Its a kind of practice and rehearsal.)
- "Communicating clearly" (Phones can link to any issue involving communication. Are you wanting to improve your communication with someone? If so your dream explores this desire. In dreams we practice doing the things we want. Such dreams simply mean "I want us to talk things out and him to know how I am feeling")
- "Clarifying" (If you were wanting to clarify your thoughts yesterday then the dream could link to this desire)
- "Sorting things out" (If there have just been some problems with someone then a phone dream shows your desire to sort thing out)
- "Clear the air" (Do you worry that someone is shutting you out? Are they not telling you what's on their mind? Do you feel that some plain talking will help clear the air.)
- "Status symbol" (Mobile phones are still status symbols. Teenagers happily parade their new phones. People clamber to get the newest version of a particular phone. So phone dreams can easily be linked to fashion and the wish to gain a certain status.)
- "Some thoughts about phones" (Have you bee thinking about phones. A dream need not use phones as abstract symbols. A dream may just link to some thoughts about buying a new phone.)

•Partner phones me - a dream of support
•Dream symbolism - Formula One car
•Tornado deam analysis
•Dying in a tornado dream
•Four brothers - dream analysis
•Sex with man I know - dream interpretation
•Weasel dream
•End of the world - dream analysis
•Family cut up by killers dream
•Zombies and Brad Pitt
•Vampire dream
•Man of my destiny - premonitions
•Tornado warning dream
•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Husband is being extremely mean
•Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
•Dream - daughter causing me grief
•Woke up screaming and crying. help!
•Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
•Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
•Snake and elegant phone - dream analysis
•My ex with a celebrity - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - phone answering machine
•Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
•Suicide by jumping off - dream interpretation
•Fallen trees - dream analysis
•Evil spirit takes over my body dream
•Comforting house dream!
•Car Explosion dream
•Dream symbols - searching for boyfriend
•"Death Dream comes true
•Neglecting dream
•Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
•Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
•A body in hot water dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com