Planes in dreams : All symbols in dreams can have abstract meanings. Planes can be excellent metaphors for goals and ambitions so if you have been thinking about these then surely your dream may link to that.
Key words and phrases
- "Priorities" (Planes move quickly and so they can symbolise priorities.)
- "Ambition" (Planes fly high so they can represent ambitions.)
- "Getting started"
- "Sudden"
Actually the meanings of dreams can be translated into quotes which capture some important feeling or thought process. Look below at the types of real feelings that dreams can capture.
- "I want to get moving quickly on this"
- "I should get this project started"
- "I need to make this a high priority"
- "I have been thinking about my ambitions"
- "It could happen very quickly"
- "Very sudden"
- "I am going to travel by aeroplane very soon and need to make preparations"
Dream work - questions to help you interpret your dream
1. Are you going on an flight in the near future?
2. Have you been thinking about your ambitions just recently?
3. Are you wanting to get something moving very quickly?
4. Are you trying to change your priorities?
Aeroplane never takes off dream
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Place on plane
A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
Plane crash - dream analysis
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
Poisonous Gas
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Flying in plane over the mountain
A trawler and plane crash - dream interpretation
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium
Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
Lead army - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - plane will not take off
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at