dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that REAL "planet" dreams linked to these feelings. Each quote summarizes the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Full dream analyses are featured in the links at the bottom of the page

- "I have decided not to contact my siblings who I have never met. It would have been SOMETHING NEW AND SO DIFFERENT TO ANYTHING I HAVE EXPERIENCED BEFORE." (so a planet dream could symbolise feelings that are are so different from what we can imagine)

- "I had a really bad day yesterday - I could be tasting something that is to become permanent as my health worsens.I will have to face up to this MASSIVE CHANGE IN MY LIFE. It was a MAJOR EVENT IN MY LIFE." (celestial objects are associated with huge change which cannot stop)

- "I know that he has found out. THINGS ARE GOING TO BE VERY DIFFERENT from now on." (Planets are associated with huge change)

- "I am in the military so I am used to HARSH AND DIFFICULT SITUATIONS. It is part of my mindset." (planets being associated with a difficult and testing situation which others are not used to)

- "It was like a completely different place. I got into an argument with this idiot and I suddenly had a whole new world to exist in."

- "Yesterday I did not do much. I WAS just lost in my imagination." (when we fantasise we imagine lots of weird and wonderful things. This can be associated with planets as they are a whole new, and in this case imaginary world)

- "And then the truth struck me"

•Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
•Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
•Lead army - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com