Playing in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance an "Playing" dream may simply translate into the word "Avoid" and the dream captures the feeling "I really wish to avoid the confrontation there". In practice the full list of key words which relate to this symbol is listed below. Try to see how these words and phrases tap into key emotions right now. Dreams translate into very real and relevant emotions and thoughts.
Playing dreams - "Fun" (Have you been having fun recently? Did you meet a fun person yesterday? We often get caught up in emotions and they will carry on into dreams. Your fund dream may simply capture your fun mood as it spills over into a dream)
- "Relaxing" (Have you been trying to relax? Were you in a very relaxed mood yesterday? Have you been able to relax more easily recently? Think of any connection to relaxing which may have triggered a dream)
- "Noise and disruption" (Children playing is often associated with noise. Was there an issue involving noise yesterday which may have triggered a dream? Were you woken up by some loud noises which may have been similar to children playing?)
- "Enthusiasm" (Were you very enthusiastic about something yesterday? Were you thinking about something that you are really looking forward to tomorrow? Often positive emotions will spill over into dreams. Your dream may just mean "I am really enthusiastic about ...")
- "A new interest" (Have you been captivated by a new interest? Can you think of nothing else? If the answer is yes then your dream simply probably captures your enthusiasm for this)
- "New friendship" (Are you starting to realise how important a new friend is? Did you have a very fun day yesterday with your new friend? Dreams will often notice changes in our lives. A dream could simply marking a moment when you start to appreciate a new friendship.)
- "Fond memories" (Dreams can be very emotional and can be set off by anything. An old man may have spent the day thinking over some happy times in the past. Emotions are powerful and we relive these emotions as if they are happening now. )
- "Naive" (Dreams will often try to spot the key point of something. Sometimes people can be extremely friendly and enthusiastic yet deep down we spot a naivety in them? Has that been the case recently? Did you suspect that in yourself or others?)
- "A spontaneous friend" (Do you have a spontaneous friend? Did someone do something crazy and unexpected yesterday? The mind craves new things and they can shake up up and make us think)
- "Making something interesting" (Are you trying to write an essay or report? Are you trying to express some ideas in an enthusiastic way? If yes then we think through our strategy in dreams. Your dream may simply mean that you are trying to express something so it is interesting for those you are trying to convince)
- "Wanting to have fun" (Dreams maybe capture moods. If you have been in a bad mood and wish to relax and have fun then you start to live out those feelings. The dream may capture those strong desires as they try to find an outlet)
- "Hypocrisy" (Were you thinking how friendly and nice someone has been? Yet deep down you do not trust them and suspect them of doing something against you?)
Dream of loud music
Paul MacCartney Yesterday - creative dream
Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
My son gets pregnant dream interpretation
Making an extra effort - dream interpretation
Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
Digs biting- dream dictionary
Tartinis devils sonata dream
Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
A dream about playing with a baby
Cricket match a study in psychology
Feeling tired dream
Football dream analysis
Sleepover with best friend dream
Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
At uncles home - dream analysis
Germans torturing a secret agent - dream analysis
Nearer my God to thee on Titanic - dream analysis
My mother says he likes children - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - police search
Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
Competing with other women - dream analysis
Sleepover with friend - dream analysis
Dream symbols - shark bite
Scotland baby dream analysed
Dream symbols - wanting to scream
Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
Dream symbolism - intimidating man
Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Nephew dream - playing
Men playing cards against women - dream symbolism
Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
Best friend and adventures
Three coyotes walking with me!
Trombone dream
Zombies and Brad Pitt
Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Discussion and baby dream interpretation
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Dream - skating down highway and primary school
Job application and seamstress dream analysis
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Rat And Dragon dream
Friend has a baby dream
Poisonous Gas
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Puppet display comes to life - dream analysis
Party at my expense
Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
They really love each other - dream interpretation
Dream - daughter causing me grief
Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
Cricket and football dream interpretation
Dream about drug dealer
Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
Teacher From The Past dream
Dream interpretation - hollow tree
Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
Dream - champagne supernova
I couldn't see dream
Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
Bury ex - dream interpretation
Basic training - dream analysis
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
Difficult people from the past dream
Dream symbolism - nephew playing
Dream dictionary - violin full of drugs
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
Low flying dream
Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
Old technology can be very reliable
Lead army - dream analysis
Angry dog dream
Cymbals dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at