Poison in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Poison" dream may simply translate into the words "Negative comments" and the dream captures the feeling "He is always so negative and downbeat. It just poisons the atmosphere".
Poison dreams
In practice poison has several symbolic meanings. Try to think how the following words and phrases link into your feelings right now. Then try to write down sentences which capture your key feelings and intuitions right is the full list of key words.
- "Fundamental problem" (What deep rooted problem is poisoning your life right now?)
- "Deep rooted economic problem" (Are you affected by deep rooted economic problems? Have you been thinking about the crippled state of your economy?)
- "Crippling disease" (Is your life being destroyed by some terrible illness such as arthritis or parkinson's disease?)
- "Self destructive" (Do you have a self destructive side?)
- "Negative comments" (Has someone been saying things which are very poisonous?)
- "Harmful foods" (Have you been thinking about some harmful foods? Are you trying to stick to a healthy diet? Did you watch any health programs on tv or listen to someone who may have set you off thinking about food)
- "Relationship deeply harmed" (We often describe a relationship as being "Poisoned". Has something spoilt your relationship beyond repair? Has someone done something that you cannot ever forgive?)
- "Suspicions" (Have you got some suspicions about someone's behaviour? If you simply cannot trust someone then its not possible to continue a relationship.)
- "Poisonous atmosphere" (Is the atmosphere very bad at work?)
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Poisonous Gas
Poisonous snakes
Gas Poisoned
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Poison a Rottweiler dog
Poison food dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at