Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that REAL "police" dreams linked to these feelings. Each quote summarizes the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Full dream analyses are featured in the links at the bottom of the page
- "Those builders are like CRIMINALS. They take your money and never do the work properly." (So the need for police in the dream symbolized the need to crack down on some cowboy builders)
- "I hate my husbands family. They are all CRAZY. They behave in an IRRESPONSIBLE way." (So police represented the wish to correct crazy behaviour)
- "My health is spiralling out of control. I am in a major HEALTH CRISIS. I need to RESTORE ORDER in my life." (Police can be needed when things are spiralling out of control and there is a need to restore order in the dreamers life rather than unruly behaviour. Police therefore were associated with the word order. The mind uses the police to express the word "order".)
- "I must PUT A STOP to my husbands lying." (Liars are associated with criminals)
- "I was in a terrible state and NEEDED TO RESTORE ORDER To my emotions. I had a terrible argument with my boyfriend." (Police then are associated with the wish to maintain peace and good order after a terrible breach of the peace)
- "I am a big fan of the comedian Terry Gilliam. I try to keep it secret though as my boyfriend laughs at me. It is like an UNWRITTEN RULE. Do not mention Terry Gilliam." (Police often link to the wish not to break unwritten rules - the dreamers boyfriend was seeing her as a criminal for liking something which he sees as a "crime")
- "I really hate my Dad because he is so IRRESPONSIBLE. Someone should STOP HIM BEHAVING IN THAT WAY." (police being a symbol for the need to stop bad behaviour. Irresponsible behaviour being associated with crime.)
- "I am very nervous and often feel like I AM DOING SOMETHING WRONG." (feeling guilty makes people nervousness)
- "I have a works assessment tomorrow. I just hope I am not DOING SOMETHING WRONG."(A wish not to break unwritten rules/laws.)
- "I was told off by someone for BREAKING THE RULES. I just ignored her making her extremely angry." (police being associated with the breaking of rules rather than laws)
- "I am having TROUBLE WITH SOMEONE at work. He knows some VERY DUBIOUS CHARACTERS." (dubious characters are associated with crime and the need for police)
- "I wanted to have my dog put down but in Japan dogs are not put down. I just wanted to tell the vet that HE WAS DOING SOMETHING WRONG."
- "I believe that the dream was a premonition of a car crash involving my father the next day." (police being associated with emergencies and crisis)
- "I am strongly attracted to a woman. I know I SHOULD NOT HAVE SEXUAL feelings for her as she just wants to be friends. I know I am DOING WRONG." (feeling guilty may trigger a police dream. Crime is associated with guilt)
- "I had a talk with my boyfriend and told him he should NOT DRINK as much as he does. I really LAID DOWN THE LAW to him." (irresponsible behaviour triggering a police dream. The dreamer wants to lay down rules that she thinks need to be followed)
- "I realise THAT I SHOULDN'T BEHAVE LIKE THAT. I know she just wants to be friends." (bad behaviour is associated with crime even if it is strictly not illegal)
- "I believe that the dream was a premonition of some very DANGEROUS driving."
- "I have been trying to write a book on a historical event. I want to recreate the feeling of shock brought on by an attack on an undefended town. It was totally AGAINST THE RULES OF WAR. It was a war CRIME." (Rules should be followed even in wars)
- "I was trying so see WHAT I COULD GET AWAY WITH at work. I was BREAKING ALL THE RULES. But my boss fired someone so I decided that I should ACT MORE RESPONSIBLY." (there are rules which must be followed. This is associated with laws which must be obeyed. The two are similar and the need for police in the dream shows how the brain stores thoughts which are similar)
- "My sister has just ruined my computer. I cannot believe that someone could ACT IN THAT WAY. She needs to be TOLD SHE IS DOING SOMETHING WRONG." (we break unwritten laws and this can trigger police dreams)
- "I need to RESTORE ORDER to my life as my health problems are creating TOTAL CHAOS." (The police were established in order to stop chaos)
Police in dreams : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Police" dream may simply capture your feeling that "I made an important error at work and I hope I will not be found out" and so the police may translate into the word "Found out". The dream uses police as we would use the words "Found out".
Key words linked to police dreams? if you get a "Police" dream then we can predict that certain words and phrases may be appearing in your thoughts right now. These words and phrases are listed below. Try to see how they link symbolically to police.
- "Bad behaviour" (In dreams police search out bad behaviour of all kinds not just criminal activity)
- "Dodgy" (If you were worried that people see you as a low life - or that you felt uncomfortable with someone who looked like they might commit crime)
- "Feeling guilty" (If you have knowingly done something that you feel was wrong - not just criminal acts. We can feel guilty on the ground of moral reasons e.g. Treating someone badly because they are uneducated.)
- "At fault" (You maybe worried that an authority figure finds you at fault in the same way the police decide who is guilty and who is in the right. Has something just happened at work and is everyone trying to apportion blame?)
- "Exaggerating the problem" (Has someone been treating you like criminal - have they exaggerated something out of proportion? Have you been exaggerating how bad someone else is?)
- "Doing something wrong" (Have you just done something wrong? Does someone feel that you are in the wrong?)
- "A crisis" (The police restore order in a crisis. A dream can be triggered by any personal crisis. The dream simply means that you wish order to be restored to your world)
- "Found out" (Do you fear being found out in some way? What does the phrase "Found out" make you think of right now? If you can think of something then your dream may link to that)
- "Guarded and cautious" (Feeling guarded and cautious is very much a police thing.)
- "Breaking rules" (Police make sure people do not break laws. But similar processes apply in real life. Clubs, workplaces and even community centres have their own rules and these are "Policed". Have you broke any rules in this sense? Rules apply in many informal settings too and these are often "Policed" in a vigorous way. Think of a group of girls who all go out together. One might be shunned by the others if she does not fit in properly by wearing the right make up and clothes.)
- "Unfairly treated" (Do you feel unfairly treated? Do others feel unfairly treated right now? If so then the police tap into the same emotions. This can apply in strange ways - a child can feel unfairly treated because they do not get what they want. They feel a real sense of injustice)
- "Under investigation" (Teachers, managers and parents investigate in the same way that police decide who is at fault. Are you been investigated in some way? Is there an inquiry into why something went wrong at work?)
- "Defensive reaction" (Has someone acted suspiciously? Were you thinking that someone acted oddly yesterday? Perhaps their body language suggested that something was not quite right? We often sense something wrong without knowing quit what has caused it.)
- "Intrusive" (Police can be very intrusive. If something is wrong they have a perfect right to interfere in your world. Police may appear in dreams simply to express your wish to be left alone - you do not want others going through your things. This theme could apply in ways you do not expect. Think of a daughter looking through her elderly fathers things to see if he was looking after himself properly)
- "Powerless" (Sometimes a police dream is just your minds way of saying you feel "Powerless". Why? Because in many criminal situations we feel powerless and wish for police intervention. Your dream is saying that you feel a similar sense of powerlessness right now)
- "Behaving recklessly" (We think of certain types of behaviour going together. Teenagers can behave in reckless ways which we often think can slide into law breaking.)
- "A need for protection" (Try to see dreams as linking to certain types of feelings. Why do people want the protection of the police? Its because they feel seriously threatened and under pressure. What could have triggered those same emotions in you. Are there some serious bad guys in your life right now? Are you looking for others to defend you against them?)
- "Reassured" (The police often provide a reassuring presence and your dream may link to that same need for reassurance right now.)
- "Peace of mind" (Do you or others just want to restore peace to your mind? Has life been very hectic recently and you just want a bit of peace and quiet? In such cases the police represent the wish for a more settled environment.)
- "Commotion" (Is life total chaos right now? Was there too much commotion going on yesterday. The police dream may simply be part of your wish for a more settled life right now)
- "Low life" (Does the phrase "Low life" trigger anything in your mind right now? Do you worry that others see you as a "Low life"? Are you worried about the someone in your life whom you feel is a "Low life"? These concerns are played out in dreams)
Car crash premonitions
Kennedy assasination dream analysis
Dream symbolism - police search
Dream symbolism - gang rape
Family cut up by killers dream
Dream - assessment by police and homeless officer
Nightmare about my angry violent husband
Boyfriend got killed dream
Dream symbolism- police arrest drunk
Drunk or drugged - dream analysis
Police Station dream
Very annoyed - dream analysis
Huge house with TV - dream analysis
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
Girl strips off - dream analysis
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Finger print dream
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Police clothes - dream interpretation
Newcastle dream
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Ghost dream analysis
Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
Police and riots - dream symbolism
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - police shooting
Gas Poisoned
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
Policeman in Falsgrave - dream analysis
Chased by police in home town dream
A baby dream and large building
Hidden in garden of mansion - dream analysis
Secret service and military police - dream
Accusing woman dream
Dream interpretation - native American staring at me
Torture/running/trapped dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at