dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "power" in our dreams database link to the following real feelings (each quote summarises the emotions or thought which triggered a dream)

- "I have just done something on my computer which was A MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT. I feel really CONFIDENT."

- "I bumped into that man that I don't like. He is evil and has CAUSED ME PROBLEMS. I simply want to avoid him.I am SCARED OF HIM."

- "I finally plucked up the COURAGE to complain about him - it makes me feel good."

- "She is really wanting to marry me. I keep trying to SUMMON THE STRENGTH to persuade her that I am not the right man for her."

- "My parcel has not arrived and I am of all the things that could go wrong including some fiddle from the delivery guy. I am so FRUSTRATED AS THERE IS SIMPLY NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT."

- "I was really FRUSTRATED as a customer was complaining about my work. Now I am FORCED INTO DOING SOMETHING that I will not enjoy. I usually enjoy my work but not this time."

- "My boyfriends parents are a nightmare. They are FORCING HIM INTO all sorts of things. They are simply OUT OF CONTROL and LIVING IN THE CLOUDS."

- "I simply do NOT WANT to work with him. It makes no sense for the company to put people together who dislike each other. I am CONFIDENT I WILL GET MY OWN WAY."

- "I feel so WEAK AND POWERLESS. I am on a drug rehabilitation course and am FEELING USELESS."

- "My father is so BOSSY AND CONTROLLING. It is worse now because my brothers are going back to college so he can concentrate all his energies on me."

- "My husband could be deported at any time. There is NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT."

- "I am on holiday and FEEL ABLE TO DO all sorts of things which I normally don't have the CONFIDENCE TO DO."

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre."

- "I have a very MILITARISTIC PERSONALITY and have been upset with myself because I haven't been as DYNAMIC AND STRONG as I would like to be."

- "Yesterday was an awful day which was simply TOO MUCH FOR ME. My illnesses are SPIRALLY OUT OF CONTROL"

- "I feel as if I have NO CONTROL in my life. I want to leave my husband but I am SCARED to"

Power in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that freezing or frozen captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now. If you can make an association with something then this will help you see what has triggered your dream.

Keywords connected to "power" in dreams
- "Change for the worse"(Has something big just happened to you with you are unhappy about?)
- "Overwhelmed"(Have you been feeling overwhelmed?)
- "Wanting to avoid someone who wants to cause you harm"(Are you wanting to avoid someone who you think may cause you problems? Is someone behaving in a controlling way?)
- "Fear of authority"(Have you been bossed about at work? Has some authority made a decision about your future? Have you been bossed about by someone? If so this could be linked to your emotions right now? Have you been drawn into silly power struggles?)
- "Feeling confident"(Have you been feeling more confident and having the courage to do anything? Did you achieve something yesterday which left you with a real sense of achievement?)
- "Premonition"(Did something terrible happen the day after the dream? Can you not think of anything which was not supernatural which may have triggered your dream?)
- "Enjoying a challenge"(Are you a person who likes challenges? Are you having to face a difficult situation?)
- "Feeling pressure to do something"(Are you getting pressured to do something that you do not wish? Is someone abusing their power?)
- "Standing up for yourself"(Have you summoned up the strength to oppose someone? Have you made a complaint about someone?)

Dreams link to our brain processes as we transfer thoughts and emotions from short term memory banks into long term memory banks. Read through the list of key words and phrases above and if one of them seems to link to a thought at the moment then your dream will probably linked to that feeling. For instance if you had been thinking about something "powerful" in your life then the dreams meaning will probably link to that exact thought. Most dreams translate into a quote which captures the sort of feeling or thought that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. The dream is merely the minds way of storing that thought or feeling in the form of a story or symbols. Dream meanings are not vague and general they pinpoint specific thoughts and emotions in your mind right now. So if you were thinking "I hate my friend because he is abusing his power over me" then that is likely to be what has triggered your dream. Just think of the word "power" and how it appears in your thoughts right now. The very fact that most dreams are in the here and now helps the process as you only have to think of recent thoughts which in this case feature the word "power". Even when the dream maybe a premonition such dreams are in the here and now as they usually come true very quickly.

•Walking in the dark dream
•Explosion dream
•Electricity power dream
•Vampire and accused dream
•Horses stampede - dream interpretation
•Presidential power dream
•Flying and chasing dream
•Devious parcel delivery dream
• Gardener and little girl dream
•King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - a man overpowering me
•Party at my expense
•Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
•Family being torn apart.
•Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Evil spirit takes over my body dream
•Dream interpretation - Eldorado
•Low flying dream
•Embarrassed dream
•Sea waves and sound files - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com